Wingnut Wrapup

What has amazed me most the last couple of days is the concerted, desperate attempt by right wing pundits to find some bogus pretext to blame the BP oil disaster on Obama, The nauseating hatemonger, Mark Levin:

"Bush acted far more quickly, far more responsibly (on Katrina) than Obama did in this matter"

Levin spent two hours on the radio yesterday trying to somehow convince people of this absurd lie. Once again, a perfect example to support my claim that a very large part of the right's continuous, unhinged attacks on Obama have nothing to do with Obama at all, but are rather a pathetic attempt to convince themselves that their guy Bush was not such a failure at all. Thus, they savage Obama's perfectly measured, appropriate response to this disaster not because Obama failed, but because Bush failed with Katrina, and they need to deny this obvious reality to themselves. Oh well, on with the garbage- some one has to take it out:

Vladimir, Red State: " Q: Why was BP drilling in 5,000 ft of water? The answer is, because we demanded it, you and I."

Well, at least the Republicans demanded it. Last I remember, Democrats were against offshore drilling.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Does Charlie Crist Know What Planet He Is On?"

Not the one where Republicans will vote for gay people, that's for sure.

Confederate Wankee- oops, I meant Confederate Yankee: "Do They Suspect Sabotage? Glenn Reynolds points out the odd behavior of law enforcement agencies in the growing Gulf oil spill disaster."

Grow up, Mr. Yankee. This isn't some sort of action movie, you know. It's reality. Big business doesn't need sabotage to destroy us all.

Power Line: "President Obama has selected Dr. Donald Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Berwick is a Harvard professor, a pediatrician, and the CEO of a nonprofit that, according to its website, has a staff of over 100 people. These seem like dubious qualifications "

Ha ha. I had to read that twice to believe these jackasses said that. Maybe their complaint is that this Harvard professor was never the head of the Arabian Horse association.

Ron Radosh, Pajamas Media: "The Truth about the Redgraves and the '60s Left"

Another observation that Green Eagle has made numerous times: When wingnuts want to terrify us about the left, they can rarely find something that's not less than 40 years old to talk about. Whereas, we can find dozens of examples of right wing horror every day.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Violent Leftists Raid NYC Bank & Takeover Lobby… Media Silent...Noisy protesters with signs took over two bank building lobbies on Thursday in a prelude to a Wall Street rally by workers and union leaders...A half-hour later, they were calmly escorted outside by officers...The protesters held up signs reading, “Save Our Jobs” and “Save Our Homes."

Violent. They demonstrated in a bank and then calmly left. They had signs with despicable slogans like "save our jobs." No guns, no race hatred, no calls for the death of the president, no threats to start a new war of northern aggression. You know what? I don't think liberals get this violence thing.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "10 Year-Old Girl Saddened & Confused After Obama SWAT Team Ruins Her First Tea Party Rally"

Too bad. Jim. listen, judging from your pictures of the event, what probably ruined her first tea party was that apparently only about ten people showed up. The secret service did show their foolishness, I guess, by believing your preposterous lies about the huge angry mob that was going to show up. This is, by the way, day three that Jim has managed to eke out long posts about a "demonstration" that couldn't get two dozen attendees.

Alan Keyes, World Net Daily: "Arizona is right to defend against foreign invasion"

Another Republican whose emotional age never got beyond six or seven, playing Conservative Cowboys and Indians, and who just can't stand the fact that the rest of us would rather spend our time on something more important, like a nap.

Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "Team Obama Deploys To Preserve Congressional Majorities"

An abomination beyond belief: The Democrats actually intend to campaign in the 2010 elections. How dare they?

Jack Dunphy, Pajamas Media: "When They Call You a Nazi, You've Won the Immigration Argument"

Really, But, like, what if you are a Nazi? Then what have you won, huh? Answer that one, Mr. Smartypants Dunphy.

David Solway, Pajamas Media: "Defending Glenn Beck: His occasional missteps shouldn't overshadow his tremendous ability to present a reasoned, logical, unassailable argument."

Come on. Who is going to buy into that one? Really, put a little bit of effort into your lies, Dave.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "After GDP Drops 2.5% in One Quarter… Obama Says “We’re Heading in Right Direction. The gross domestic product just dropped from 5.7% to 3.2% in one quarter. Obama says we’re heading in the right direction?"

This is a great one. Sounds terrible huh? Any casual reader would think that the "GDP Drops 2.5% in One Quarter," right? Well, actually the GDP did not drop 2.5%, it grew 3.2%. Mr. Hoft is engaging in the most classic form of Republican reasoning: telling a gigantic lie. Thanks for your help in moving our nation forward, you asshole.

Sylvia Allen, Renew America: "Arizona's immigration law called necessary"

By whom, Heinrich Himmler?


Poll P. said…
"This is a great one. Sounds terrible huh? Any casual reader would think that the "GDP Drops 2.5% in One Quarter," right? Well, actually the GDP did not drop 2.5%, it grew 3.2%. Mr. Hoft is engaging in the most classic form of Republican reasoning: telling a gigantic lie. Thanks for your help in moving our nation forward, you asshole."

I needed someone to explaint he lie here..which turned out to be that the 'growth of gdp expressed as a percentage' fell from 5 something to 3 something. The economy is still growing, and 3 something is a very respectable rate.

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