Wingnut Wrapup

I'm going to make a real effort to keep these a bit shorter. Sorry to you wingnuts out there who are going to lose your chance for eternal fame, but you guys have just gotten so repetitive...

Bill O'Reilly, Town Hall: "It may seem strange, but a cornerstone of the liberal media in America is "The Daily Show" starring Jon Stewart. Younger Americans, in particular, love him, and his sarcastic, cool wit delights left-wingers from coast to coast. That's because his barbs are overwhelmingly directed at conservatives."

You guys give him the material, Bill. Stop acting like such jackasses and he'll look somewhere else for his material.

Boy, let me tell you, some days you just can't win:

Dave Poff, Red State: "How deliciously cynical of the First Couple that they would take a holiday in Stickville, USA so they can pretend to know us and know the pain they’ve inflicted on us: Barack and Michelle Obama flew off for a brief holiday in North Carolina on Friday in what was seen as an attempt to take a “middle class” vacation more in keeping with those of ordinary Americans."

The Obamas spent their holidays last year in Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard, the Massachusetts island beloved of millionaire businessmen and celebrities."

Remember the endless onslaught of right wing ridicule and abuse when Obama vacationed in Hawaii (his home state) last year? So this time he takes their advice and goes to North Carolina, and that turns out to be a sin too.

I don't remember any ridicule from the right when George W. Bush spent a third of his presidency on a remodeled pig farm that the Republicans made into a phony stage-set ranch. Of course, maybe deep down inside, even they realized that the less that incompetent crook did, the better.

Moe Lane, Red State: "Oh, Rod Blagojevich: why could you not have used your powers for *good*? "

I don't know, maybe the same reason that there is not a Republican on earth that seems to have ever considered using his powers for good- he thought he could make a fast buck out of things before they all collapsed around him.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama Demands Proof of Health Insurance But Proof of Citizenship Is “Misguided"...Good Question: So just to be clear, it’s constitutional to penalize someone for not showing proof of health insurance but not request proof of citizenship? "

Jim, did you ever get stopped for a traffic violation? Here in California, the cop has a right to demand that you show him proof of insurance, but he doesn't have a right to ask for your passport. It's been that way for decades, and I never heard you guys complain about it for a second.

See where I'm going with this, Jim?

Newwsmax: "Senate Republicans vow to oppose a Democratic effort to begin debate next week on a proposed crackdown on Wall Street unless a bipartisan accord is reached, senior Republican aides say."

So now being the majority party doesn't even give Democrats the right to talk about issues, let alone do anything about them, unless they cave in to the Republicans' corrupt demands first.

David Limbaugh, Newsmax: "Obama Seems Allergic to Profits"

Except for returning GM to viability, nearly doubling the Dow, driving housing sales up 27%, bringing to an end the Republican collapse in jobs, Making a profit from the bailout...yeah, except for things like that, Obama doesn't like profits. Now, Bush loved profits- he was just too corrupt to let anyone except his cronies have any.

Washington Times: "The rising wave of popular activism in the United States is ritually derided by liberal commentators, politicians and academics as fringe-movement politics."

Not here. No, Green Eagle derides it as a nonexistent illusion created by right wing astroturf groups and a gullible press.

Chuck Baldwin, Renew America: " there Biblical approbation and authority for State secession? The right of State secession is rooted and grounded in the Word of God...did God not "separate" Israel from Egypt by a mighty and miraculous deliverance? Even the theocracy of Israel under Moses served as a presage for future State autonomy. God divided the nation of Israel into 12 independent tribes. It should be obvious to any reasonable person that there is absolutely nothing in Scripture that would preclude states from seceding, separating, or declaring independence from one another."

Another example of utter lunacy from the right. No one ever argued that the bible forbids secession. The bible has nothing to do with it. You know what? The bible doesn't forbid priests to molest children. The bible doesn't forbid people to shoot up shopping malls with automatic weapons, or to poison people with biological warfare. The bible doesn't forbid carpet bombing of cities. You know why? They never even thought about things like that. That's why we enact civil laws today- to deal with things that people didn't think of four thousand years ago.

So you know what? We don't give a damn what the bible had to say about secession from democratic republics. We've got our own laws. Try to violate them and see where it gets you.

And by the way, just how stupid are you, anyway?

Pat Boone, World Net Daily: "If you're not a tea partier … why not?"

Because we're not greedy, ignorant racists.


Unknown said…
It should be obvious to any reasonable person that there is absolutely nothing in Scripture that would preclude states from seceding, separating, or declaring independence from one another."

Dammit! Natural selection let a damaged sperm get by and now we've got a moron to deal with.
magpie said…
"...nothing in Scripture that would preclude states from seceding, separating, or declaring independence from one another".

Thereby planting the thought in the average fundamentalist moron that secession is actually what "Scripture" says SHOULD happen.

It will not happen, of course, but the distraction of this nonsense is the thing of utility to the reactionary Right. The noise, the vague and irrational sense of outrage, the anger.

... the thing that gets buildings blown up.
Green Eagle said…
If I put your two comments together, I get a perfect description of the combination of stupidity and malice which is driving the right today.

It is difficult to imagine that any of these dicks believes a word they are saying- they just want what they want (less taxes, in case you never noticed) and they don't care what they say or do to get it.
Infidel753 said…
There is also nothing in the Batman comic books that would preclude states from seceding. Nor is there anything in the Harry Potter novels which would prohibit it, nor in the Road Runner vs. Wile E. Coyote cartoons.

All of which are about as relevant to the legality of secession as the Bible is.

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