Dick's Finest Hour

Reported by Think Progress:

"In 2004, then-Vice President Dick Cheney had a “frank exchange of views” with Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) on the Senate floor over Cheney’s ties to Halliburton and President Bush’s judicial nominees. Cheney ended the argument by telling Leahy, “F*ck yourself.” Since then, Cheney has joked about the incident and claimed the Leahy “merited” it because he was “close” to kissing him. On Dennis Miller’s radio show today, Cheney suggested that his Leahy f-bomb was “the best thing” he had ever done"

He's right. Yelling "Go fuck yourself" at a Senator on the Senate floor was probably as close to a good thing that Dick Cheney ever did.


Shaw Kenawe said…
Let's face it, he's a funny Dick.

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