Wingnut Wrapup
Before diving into the right wing's endless outpouring of lies and hatred, I just want to say that I am getting damned sick of this stuff. It's gotten to the point where it's a good day when no one threatens to kill a Democratic politician, or set off bombs or murder policemen. When we read this garbage, we could be staring into the imminent destruction of the world's leading democracy, by people that can't go thirty seconds without calling themselves patriots, and our legally elected government a pack of traitors.
Oh well, here's today's load of garbage. Sorry I'm not feeling that amused by it this time:
Meredith Jessup, Town Hall: "Tea Partiers Gear Up for Tax Day"
Tax day- when their true colors show. All they are is a greedy bunch of bastards, filled with fury at having to pay for the government services that they won't do without. So get ready, it's their big holiday.
Bill O'Reilly, Town Hall: "Is the American Press Corrupt?"
God in heaven above, asshole, look in the mirror.
Ken Klukowski, Town Hall: "The GOP Must Take Charge on Stevens Replacement"
Listen, you jerk, the American people voted you guys out because you almost destroyed the country. Now it's time for the majority party to take charge, like the constitution provides for. Funny, with all the ignorant ranting you do about the founding fathers, how quickly you forget all about them when you lose elections. Then, you start sounding like a bunch of cheesy South American dictators.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Hundreds Turn Out at Collinsville, IL Pre-Tax Day Tea Party Rally"

"Hundreds" One more right wing lie to throw on the pile. It's as big as Mount Whitney now, and they're going for Everest. And let me assure you, when I report on the pathetic reality of the tea parties, I am fair enough to always show the picture with the most people in it. So here's your hundreds.
Of course, it probably wouldn't have the same effect if Jim had told the truth and said "Dozens of Geezers Turn Out."
Matt C. Abbot, Renew America: "Praising Father Poppa- With all the bad clergy-related news as of late, the following reflection, recently provided to me by Clark Sowers of Belle Fourche, S.D., is a dose of the positive. Mr. Sowers' touching reflection (slightly edited), written in 2006, features Father Chester Poppa, OFM Cap., who serves in the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings."
Whoopee Doo! Someone has found one honest Catholic Priest!
At least as far as we know so far.
Newsmax: "Sen. Coburn threatens to block all spending bills"
Majority rule, Republican style.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "Why doesn't Obama deny he's a socialist?"
Why doesn't he deny that he is a minion of Cthulhu? Because sane people already know what he is, and you filthy jerks won't admit the truth no matter what happens.
Tom Tancredo: "Republicans need more than a new quarterback for 2012. They need a new playbook."
Tancredo's suggestion for a new playbook? Lower taxes and less government. That's really fresh thinking.
Here we go again with this line of reasoning. Of course, George W. Bush just loved him some Putin before the right wingers decided that Putin was the devil incarnate. So they have to accuse Obama of the same thing, and then pretend that it's all equal.
Do I need to tell you that he did no such thing? No, I don't. It's just one more right wing lie, as usual.
Henry Lamb, Renew America: "Obama's private army? Who knew that Obamacare provides for a "Regular Corps," and a "Ready-Reserve Corps," of officers and individuals who are appointed by the President? Commissioned officers are subject to active duty at the call of the Surgeon General. The new law provides $17.5 million in each of the first four years to recruit and train these reserves."
An emergency corps in case there is a massive epidemic or biological warfare attack. There it is, Obama's Sturmabteilung. And boy, given that we spend half a trillion every year on our military, he sure is going to put together some private army on $17.5 million a year. Why, in just ten years, he'll be able to buy them an F-22.
Alan Caruba, Renew America: "The most dysfunctional place on earth"
Pakistan? The Vatican? The Republican National Committee? No, the White House.
Clarice Feldman, American Thinker: "Thursday, we reported that Israeli nuclear scientists working at the country's Dimona nuclear facility have been denied visas to the U.S...White House has issued a denial...This smacks of damage control."
Maybe to you, jackass. To the rest of us it smacks of the truth. You know why it smacks of the truth? Because it is the truth. Your report was a lie. What a surprise. Mr. Caruba continues:
"Given the general level of credibility in this White House, I'm sticking with this story until I hear differently"
Yeah, of course you're sticking to it. All you've got are lies, and you've been sticking to them for thirty years. Why change now, just because you are ruining the country?
Mark Levin, The Corner: "I honestly never thought we’d see such a thing in our country – not yet anyway – but I sense what’s occurring in this election is a recklessness and abandonment of rationality that has preceded the voluntary surrender of liberty and security in other places."
Talk about projection.
Oh well, here's today's load of garbage. Sorry I'm not feeling that amused by it this time:
Meredith Jessup, Town Hall: "Tea Partiers Gear Up for Tax Day"
Tax day- when their true colors show. All they are is a greedy bunch of bastards, filled with fury at having to pay for the government services that they won't do without. So get ready, it's their big holiday.
Bill O'Reilly, Town Hall: "Is the American Press Corrupt?"
God in heaven above, asshole, look in the mirror.
Ken Klukowski, Town Hall: "The GOP Must Take Charge on Stevens Replacement"
Listen, you jerk, the American people voted you guys out because you almost destroyed the country. Now it's time for the majority party to take charge, like the constitution provides for. Funny, with all the ignorant ranting you do about the founding fathers, how quickly you forget all about them when you lose elections. Then, you start sounding like a bunch of cheesy South American dictators.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Hundreds Turn Out at Collinsville, IL Pre-Tax Day Tea Party Rally"

"Hundreds" One more right wing lie to throw on the pile. It's as big as Mount Whitney now, and they're going for Everest. And let me assure you, when I report on the pathetic reality of the tea parties, I am fair enough to always show the picture with the most people in it. So here's your hundreds.
Of course, it probably wouldn't have the same effect if Jim had told the truth and said "Dozens of Geezers Turn Out."
Matt C. Abbot, Renew America: "Praising Father Poppa- With all the bad clergy-related news as of late, the following reflection, recently provided to me by Clark Sowers of Belle Fourche, S.D., is a dose of the positive. Mr. Sowers' touching reflection (slightly edited), written in 2006, features Father Chester Poppa, OFM Cap., who serves in the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings."
Whoopee Doo! Someone has found one honest Catholic Priest!
At least as far as we know so far.
Newsmax: "Sen. Coburn threatens to block all spending bills"
Majority rule, Republican style.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "Why doesn't Obama deny he's a socialist?"
Why doesn't he deny that he is a minion of Cthulhu? Because sane people already know what he is, and you filthy jerks won't admit the truth no matter what happens.
Tom Tancredo: "Republicans need more than a new quarterback for 2012. They need a new playbook."
Tancredo's suggestion for a new playbook? Lower taxes and less government. That's really fresh thinking.
Here we go again with this line of reasoning. Of course, George W. Bush just loved him some Putin before the right wingers decided that Putin was the devil incarnate. So they have to accuse Obama of the same thing, and then pretend that it's all equal.
Do I need to tell you that he did no such thing? No, I don't. It's just one more right wing lie, as usual.
Henry Lamb, Renew America: "Obama's private army? Who knew that Obamacare provides for a "Regular Corps," and a "Ready-Reserve Corps," of officers and individuals who are appointed by the President? Commissioned officers are subject to active duty at the call of the Surgeon General. The new law provides $17.5 million in each of the first four years to recruit and train these reserves."
An emergency corps in case there is a massive epidemic or biological warfare attack. There it is, Obama's Sturmabteilung. And boy, given that we spend half a trillion every year on our military, he sure is going to put together some private army on $17.5 million a year. Why, in just ten years, he'll be able to buy them an F-22.
Alan Caruba, Renew America: "The most dysfunctional place on earth"
Pakistan? The Vatican? The Republican National Committee? No, the White House.
Clarice Feldman, American Thinker: "Thursday, we reported that Israeli nuclear scientists working at the country's Dimona nuclear facility have been denied visas to the U.S...White House has issued a denial...This smacks of damage control."
Maybe to you, jackass. To the rest of us it smacks of the truth. You know why it smacks of the truth? Because it is the truth. Your report was a lie. What a surprise. Mr. Caruba continues:
"Given the general level of credibility in this White House, I'm sticking with this story until I hear differently"
Yeah, of course you're sticking to it. All you've got are lies, and you've been sticking to them for thirty years. Why change now, just because you are ruining the country?
Mark Levin, The Corner: "I honestly never thought we’d see such a thing in our country – not yet anyway – but I sense what’s occurring in this election is a recklessness and abandonment of rationality that has preceded the voluntary surrender of liberty and security in other places."
Talk about projection.
"Pakistan? The Vatican? The Republican National Committee? No, the White House."
Well, yes, Pakistan is in the Middle East, but that's about as close as you got to the truth in listing my commentary.
Try harder with my own and other's writings. Or maybe you just don't care about the truth?
Here is a quote from the end of your article:
"Why has the president thwarted delivery of "bunker buster" bombs to Israel? Why is it now U.S. policy to refuse visas for Israeli nuclear scientists seeking to come here to advance their knowledge in physics, chemistry, and nuclear engineering?
That is the quandary in which Israel now finds itself as it wrestles with what action to take against an Iran sworn to annihilate it. It has clearly been abandoned by the present administration and has few real friends among Western governments.
Beyond Israel remains the West itself. Harari warned that we must never surrender to terror. If we continue to find words to obfuscate the threat, we will lose the capacity to address it."
Everyone on earth realizes how dysfunctional the middle east is. The clear intent of your article was to find a way to blame this on the current president.
You have chosen to write for one of the most dishonest, hate-filled websites on the face of the earth. There is barely anything ever posted there that is true. And you are no exception. Now, you have come on my little blog and polluted it with your lies and obfuscations.
I honestly do not give a God damn how you feel about my characterization of you. It takes some nerve for someone like you to complain about someone else not caring about the truth.
If you would like, I will go through some of your other ugly, lying, hate-filled posts, such as: "Picking a fight with patriots," "Destroying America with the EPA's carbon lies," or "Obama the Muslim meets Netanyahu the Jew," and we will see which one of us has less regard for the truth. I don't think this is a fight that you want to pick, but let me know, and I will get into your character in some detail.