Pam Geller Tells Us How It Is

As longtime readers of my blog may have noticed, I have given up on one of the most loathsome jerks among the wingnuts, who used to regularly appear in Wingnut Wrapup. I am speaking of that execrable piece of human garbage, Pam Geller. Over the last half year or so, she had descended into a maelstrom of madness, feeding like a vulture on her hatred of every Muslim on earth, as well as Obama and all Dems. Who needs to be battered by this kind of mental illness, however much the teabaggers are all thinking the same thing in private?

However, I still occasionally look at her sick blog, and something she had to say today made me so angry that I am going to talk about it. Here she is, in all her delicate beauty:

"Pigs in New York"

The stench off this rot is intolerable. The unions and their leadership have enslaved free people, and now they hold us hostage to their gluttonous thievery.... unions are a fancy word for organized crime."

The unions have enslaved free people. This would be via the minimum wage, maximum work days and weeks, employer provided health care, safe working conditions (the mine where the recent tragedy took place broke the unions years ago,) child labor laws, and the many other things they have helped fight for over the years, like social security and antitrust legislation.

So here is the freedom that unions have stolen from the American people: The freedom to be murdered by your employer for profit, the freedom to be worked to death, the freedom to be killed by unsafe jobs that you can't afford to quit, the freedom to work your whole life, and then spend your old age in poverty, the freedom to have your health be irrelevant, except as a source of someone else's profit, the freedom to go to work in factories at the age of six or eight, the freedom to be robbed of all dignity as a reward for a life of hard work.

That's what these union "pigs" have stolen from you. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Pam.

"When you have one group that does not have to respond to the market place, whose booty is stolen from the hard working, they have no souls. They steal and their leadership is ganstas and goons -- who have planted their chief goon in the White House."

That's right, it's the unions that are stealing from the hard working, not the corporate monsters who have seen to it that wages have not risen in this country since 1972, while their own rake-offs from their filthy dealings have multiplied dozens of times. It's the unions who have wrecked our economy, not the bosses who have bought the government (at least the Republican half of it, along with the Ben Nelsons and Joe Liebermans of this world) and used it to virtually drive the middle class out of existence. It's the unions that want to lower our pay, take away our health care and destroy the Social Security system which we have paid into all our working lives.

And the worst of them all is that negro criminal who thinks he is the President, just because he won the election. Actually, he is nothing but a "goon," who wants to maim us with his health care and his environmental laws and his attempts to control the vampires on Wall Street.

No, the rich are your friends, and your fellow workers are your enemy. Don't forget that. This is the apotheosis of teabag thinking, so get used to it. That's the way we will all be living, once thy get their militias going, and the Sarah Palins of this world call the shots.


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