Wingnut Wrapup

A little short on quantity today. I think they have not quite recovered from their hangovers from celebrating the imminent assassination of Nancy Pelosi. Not bad on the quality, however:

Charles Krauthammer, Town Hall " Nuclear Posturing, Obama-Style"

I.e. delivering a major international arms reduction treaty. Of course it's not posturing to make any number of empty, belligerent threats and then utterly fail at trying to carry them out, like some presidents we could think of.

Douglas McKinnon, Town Hall: "Tiger, Obama, and the Art of Deception"

Got to get these two guys in the same article, because they are so much the same. I don't have to spell out how they are the same, do I? By this line of reasoning, we could be comparing Sarah Palin to Charlie Manson.

Oliver North, Town Hall: " Rule of Law"

Oliver North lecturing us on the Rule of Law. God, the indignities we have to put up with.

Confederate Yankee: "Obama Questions Palin's Nuclear Wisdom. He simply doesn't know when to shut up: Palin's view of nuclear weapons was shaped by her stint as the commander in chief of the Alaskan National Guard, our first line of defense against Soviet nuclear weapons."

Her "stint" which she quit after a couple of years. And by the way, you ignorant dick, "our first line of defense against Soviet nuclear weapons" is the United States Military. Remember who is the commander in chief of that? The Alaska National Guard may be our first line of defense against rampaging moose, but that's about it.

Power Line: "Netanyahu cancels trip to Washington"

Hey, he refused to even pretend to cooperate with Obama. Remind you of anyone in this country?

Rick Moran, Pajamas Media: "Liveblogging Sarah Palin’s Speech to GOP in New Orleans"

Oh please, not that.

Liz Cheney: "You know...there’s a saying in the Arab World that it is more dangerous to be America’s friend than it is to be our enemy. And I fear very much that in the Age of Obama this is proving to be true."

The first moves of treason, right before our eyes. Talk about a chip off the old block.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Revealed… Catholic Priests Abuse Children at Same Rate As Anyone Else...experts say there’s simply no data to support the claim at all. No formal comparative study has ever broken down child sexual abuse by denomination, and only the Catholic Church has released detailed data about its own...Someone needs to send this to Maureen Dowd and Rosie O’Donnell."

So it wasn't revealed that Catholic priests abuse children at the same rate as anyone else. But that's okay. The fact that you just told a malicious lie is sort of par for the course for you, isn't it?

Ken Connor, Renew America: "Tea anyone?"

No thanks.

Ilana Mercer, World Net Daily: "War on white South Africa"

Man, I must say this is the aggression I care the least about, since Iraq attacked Iran. I guess it means something to conservatives. I wonder what?

Alan Keyes, World Net Daily: "Is there anything worth dying for?"

Yeah, apparently getting rid of Obama. What interests me is this: How many people in, say, the last hundred years in this country, have died to get rid of a legally elected president? And what does this imply about what means Mr. Keyes thinks would be a good idea in this case?

On second thought, I don't want to know.


You want to know something? Judging from your blog, everything you know you learned in Kindergarten. Obama learned a lot of what he knows at Harvard. Maybe you should think about the difference there. Then you could learn something too.

Fat chance.


Because Paul Krugman and Frank Rich apparently pick the houses that are in the NYT home and garden section. So that's what it takes to be scum, huh? Publishing a picture of a house with a portrait of Che. I've said it before, but really, grow up guys.

Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "Update: Qatari Diplomat In Custody After Possible Shoe Bomb Attempt...NBC says it appears the person may not have had any incendiary devices on him."

So, if he didn't have any explosives, it wasn't a possible shoe bomb attempt after all. I would have thought that even you could have figured that out. I guess not.

Open Market.Org: "The Rich are Society’s White Mice"

Well, they sure are white any way.

What Really Happened: "U.S. Government approved plot to pump poison into every home in the country."

Mm Hmm. And when was that? When they gave a license to Fox News?

Republic News: "Genetically Engineered ‘EnviroPig’ Waiting for Approval in US and Canada"

EnviroPig. Let me guess...Glenn Beck?

And finally, today's nominee for the conservative paranoid delusion least likely to turn out to be true:

Chuck Baldwin: "According to an obscure report in the European Union Times (, “Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued an order to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to ‘begin immediately’ increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter."

I know civil war sounds good to you, but really, don't put any money on it. By the way, moron, winter is already over.


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