Republicans Gone Crazy

The violent insanity just never stops. How about this for the next move?

"Republicans push for Minnesota sovereignty

Senate Republicans introduced a constitutional amendment Wednesday that would make Minnesota the first state to require a two-thirds majority vote in the legislature to approve federal laws affecting the state. “Minnesotans enjoy inherent, natural, God-given rights,” the bill states, and “Citizens of Minnesota are sovereign individuals, subject to Minnesota law and immune from any federal laws that exceed the federal government’s enumerated constitutional powers.”

Republicans in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District have gone even further: they recently passed a resolution calling for Minnesota to secede from union if the federal government exceeds its authority."

Can you have ever imagined a couple of years ago that Democrats winning a few elections would produce this sort of infantile, vicious temper tantrum? These people are hateful, almost every single one of them, and they belong in prison or in mental institutions. Where they do not belong is anywhere close to our government. It's not enough that they caused a near-depression by collaborating with the hyper-rich in the plundering of our economy, tortured people, started a criminal war of aggression in which a million innocent civilians died, and left the Democrats to clean up their mess while they do everything they can to totally ruin us all. No, now they have to engage almost daily in childish, petulant threats to destroy what remains of our society, while at the same time marching around screaming about what great, patriotic Americans they are.

Very few people have yet come to grasp how far they have departed from anything that was ever recognizable as American, how they are toying with fascism, how much of a danger they pose. It's time to stop fooling ourselves. Somehow the Republican party's endless incitement, their endless lies, have produced a cadre of millions of traitors in our midst. And they will destroy us all if we let them.


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