Wingnut Wrapup
I think that their continuing series of defeats and humiliations is driving conservatives off the deep end- they seem to really be getting out of control the last few days.
I want to mention one thing I have noticed the last week or so- a number of people referring to the Civil War in pro-Confederate terms such as I have never heard except from lunatics, as long as I have been alive. We are seeing mainstream characters seriously referring to the "war of Northern aggression," a Republican governor going back to celebrating the Confederacy, thinly disguised pro-Confederate sentiments, cloaked in talk about "states' rights," a term which has always meant racism, etc. I'll keep my eyes on this, and get back to you soon. Meanwhile, let's just open the menagerie and let the animals out:
Michael Gerson, Town Hall: " By any human standard, Pope Benedict XVI and the American Catholic Church are getting a bad rap in the current outbreak of outrage over clerical sexual abuse."
"Far from being indifferent or complicit, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was among the first in Rome to take the scandal seriously."
Not seriously enough, of course, to do anything about it.
Michelle Malkin: "Sorry, Mr. Rove. Playing the Founding Fathers card isn't going to quell conservative criticism of how the Obama administration has exploited the census boondoggle for both economic and ideological gain."
Because nothing in human history has ever quelled conservatives when they want to lie.
By the way, Karl- tread carefully. This is the warning shot across your bow. Tell the truth once, and you're finished.
On we go:
Matt Barber, Town Hall: "in the face of zero supporting evidence, “Tea Party” conservatives, Constitutionalists, pro-life and pro-family Americans, and generally any patriot who disagrees with the Obama administration are smeared with “hate’s” broad brush."

Zero evidence. Uh huh.
Rowan Scarborough, Human Events: "When Karl Rove landed at the White House in 2001 as President Bush's all-things strategist, an enemy was waiting. Leftist Henry Waxman, who represents ultra-liberal Malibu and Beverly Hills, pounced on the first bit of negative news"
Another reason we love Henry Waxman.
Michael Ledeen, Pajamas Media: "What happens when the stereotypical American undergrad from the stereotypical Ivy League college in the age of PC becomes POTUS?"
What happens when the stereotypical rich, ignorant asshole with daddy issues becomes the POTUS? Well, we sure know how that turned out. By the way, what is it with you conservative dicks and these stupid abbreviations?
Ed Driscoll, Pajamas Media: "Dissent Is Still Patriotic"
Or at least it is, until a Republican is in control again. Then it will go back to being treason, like it was if you criticized Bush and Cheney.
Gateway Pundit: "Commie leftist Jane blamed the right wing for her treasonous stunts during the Vietnam War."
Oh, so dissent is treason after all? Forget what I said above.
Selwyn Duke, Renew America: "The states must rise again: the only way to combat Obama's socialist agenda"
I find the "rise again" part interesting. That term implies that they rose once before. Which States could Mr. Duke be referring to? And given what they rose about last time, what are they planning to rise about this time?
Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Barack Hussein Obama: Marxist ideologue or evolving madman?"
Both. What else did you expect?
Chuck Baldwin, Renew America: "Referring to the federal indictment against the Hutaree militia, that alleged members were making preparations for potential armed conflict against law enforcement officers as a "seditious conspiracy," Grigg astutely noted, "If they were acquiring weapons and developing appropriate skills in anticipation of defending themselves against government aggression, their actions — while possibly conspiratorial in nature — don't amount to a crime. This is particularly true in light of our cultural history, in which sedition — agitation to change the existing political order — is our proudest civic tradition."
Yeah, but blowing policemen and their families to smithereens with bombs, while they are at a funeral, is not our proudest civic tradition. Well, apparently it is something that would make you proud.
Robin of Berkeley, American Thinker: "the abuse of Clinton was a walk in the park compared to what has been done to Sarah Palin...the debasement has progressed at a fever pitch. And just like in a gang rape, people who could have done something about it didn't. In fact, the liberal media and many Democrats have stood around watching, egging on the players. Can someone explain to me how the Democrats' complicity is any different from what happened a few months ago at Richmond High School? There, a gang of boys raped and beat a girl as a crowd not only snickered, but filmed the assault."
I see. Telling the truth about a disgusting, corrupt, ignorant right wing demagogue is literally the same as gang rape. Whereas spending your entire life telling malicious, hateful lies about Democrats is, what did the guy call it above? Oh, yeah- Republicans' proudest civic tradition.
Ann Kane, American Thinker: "Dan Quayle's words of wisdom to the tea party movement"
God. Just think of it. The tea partiers are apparently dumber than Dan Quayle. Will wonders never cease.
John Bolton, National Review Online: "Our enemies can only welcome the president’s new nuclear posture."
John, do you think that it is possible that you could have included one little, tiny scrap of evidence that "Our enemies can only welcome the president’s new nuclear posture?" No? I didn't think so. Because there is none. Why don't you just shut your lying mouth. Of course, that would stop you from upholding your proudest tradition- lying your ass off.
Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online: "My long-standing complaint against stories like How to Train Your Dragon is that they teach kids there’s no such thing as monsters"
Whereas Jonah knows there is one, living right under his bed.
A really bad move, I agree. That's because you guys are not running Wendell Wilkie. You're running Jefferson Davis.
Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "Judging from some of the reactions around the progressive blogosphere, I guess one is only allowed to invoke the Civil War as a tourism driver if you were on the Union side."
First of all, the people who were on either side of the civil war are all dead. Now if you mean people today who think the South was right to fight to keep slavery, of course you are allowed to invoke the civil war. As long as you don't mind revealing yourself to be a racist, lying hatemonger.
Publius, Big Government: "Today, in 1933, the prohibition on 3.2% ABV beer was repealed. It was a small step for freedom."
Brought to you by a Democrat. Against Republican opposition.
And finally, today's nomination for the Right Wing Scandal Most Unlikely to Turn Into a Major Political Issue:
Andrew Marcus, Big Government: "Yesterday on Big Government, Levi Russel, the communications director of the Tea Party Express posted an update about the status of the police investigation into who threw eggs at the Tea Party Express bus in Searchlight, Nevada."
Nice try, Andrew. Maybe next time you should demand Congressional hearings over who gave Jonah Goldberg a dirty look.
I want to mention one thing I have noticed the last week or so- a number of people referring to the Civil War in pro-Confederate terms such as I have never heard except from lunatics, as long as I have been alive. We are seeing mainstream characters seriously referring to the "war of Northern aggression," a Republican governor going back to celebrating the Confederacy, thinly disguised pro-Confederate sentiments, cloaked in talk about "states' rights," a term which has always meant racism, etc. I'll keep my eyes on this, and get back to you soon. Meanwhile, let's just open the menagerie and let the animals out:
Michael Gerson, Town Hall: " By any human standard, Pope Benedict XVI and the American Catholic Church are getting a bad rap in the current outbreak of outrage over clerical sexual abuse."
"Far from being indifferent or complicit, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was among the first in Rome to take the scandal seriously."
Not seriously enough, of course, to do anything about it.
Michelle Malkin: "Sorry, Mr. Rove. Playing the Founding Fathers card isn't going to quell conservative criticism of how the Obama administration has exploited the census boondoggle for both economic and ideological gain."
Because nothing in human history has ever quelled conservatives when they want to lie.
By the way, Karl- tread carefully. This is the warning shot across your bow. Tell the truth once, and you're finished.
On we go:
Matt Barber, Town Hall: "in the face of zero supporting evidence, “Tea Party” conservatives, Constitutionalists, pro-life and pro-family Americans, and generally any patriot who disagrees with the Obama administration are smeared with “hate’s” broad brush."

Zero evidence. Uh huh.
Rowan Scarborough, Human Events: "When Karl Rove landed at the White House in 2001 as President Bush's all-things strategist, an enemy was waiting. Leftist Henry Waxman, who represents ultra-liberal Malibu and Beverly Hills, pounced on the first bit of negative news"
Another reason we love Henry Waxman.
Michael Ledeen, Pajamas Media: "What happens when the stereotypical American undergrad from the stereotypical Ivy League college in the age of PC becomes POTUS?"
What happens when the stereotypical rich, ignorant asshole with daddy issues becomes the POTUS? Well, we sure know how that turned out. By the way, what is it with you conservative dicks and these stupid abbreviations?
Ed Driscoll, Pajamas Media: "Dissent Is Still Patriotic"
Or at least it is, until a Republican is in control again. Then it will go back to being treason, like it was if you criticized Bush and Cheney.
Gateway Pundit: "Commie leftist Jane blamed the right wing for her treasonous stunts during the Vietnam War."
Oh, so dissent is treason after all? Forget what I said above.
Selwyn Duke, Renew America: "The states must rise again: the only way to combat Obama's socialist agenda"
I find the "rise again" part interesting. That term implies that they rose once before. Which States could Mr. Duke be referring to? And given what they rose about last time, what are they planning to rise about this time?
Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Barack Hussein Obama: Marxist ideologue or evolving madman?"
Both. What else did you expect?
Chuck Baldwin, Renew America: "Referring to the federal indictment against the Hutaree militia, that alleged members were making preparations for potential armed conflict against law enforcement officers as a "seditious conspiracy," Grigg astutely noted, "If they were acquiring weapons and developing appropriate skills in anticipation of defending themselves against government aggression, their actions — while possibly conspiratorial in nature — don't amount to a crime. This is particularly true in light of our cultural history, in which sedition — agitation to change the existing political order — is our proudest civic tradition."
Yeah, but blowing policemen and their families to smithereens with bombs, while they are at a funeral, is not our proudest civic tradition. Well, apparently it is something that would make you proud.
Robin of Berkeley, American Thinker: "the abuse of Clinton was a walk in the park compared to what has been done to Sarah Palin...the debasement has progressed at a fever pitch. And just like in a gang rape, people who could have done something about it didn't. In fact, the liberal media and many Democrats have stood around watching, egging on the players. Can someone explain to me how the Democrats' complicity is any different from what happened a few months ago at Richmond High School? There, a gang of boys raped and beat a girl as a crowd not only snickered, but filmed the assault."
I see. Telling the truth about a disgusting, corrupt, ignorant right wing demagogue is literally the same as gang rape. Whereas spending your entire life telling malicious, hateful lies about Democrats is, what did the guy call it above? Oh, yeah- Republicans' proudest civic tradition.
Ann Kane, American Thinker: "Dan Quayle's words of wisdom to the tea party movement"
God. Just think of it. The tea partiers are apparently dumber than Dan Quayle. Will wonders never cease.
John Bolton, National Review Online: "Our enemies can only welcome the president’s new nuclear posture."
John, do you think that it is possible that you could have included one little, tiny scrap of evidence that "Our enemies can only welcome the president’s new nuclear posture?" No? I didn't think so. Because there is none. Why don't you just shut your lying mouth. Of course, that would stop you from upholding your proudest tradition- lying your ass off.
Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online: "My long-standing complaint against stories like How to Train Your Dragon is that they teach kids there’s no such thing as monsters"
Whereas Jonah knows there is one, living right under his bed.
A really bad move, I agree. That's because you guys are not running Wendell Wilkie. You're running Jefferson Davis.
Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "Judging from some of the reactions around the progressive blogosphere, I guess one is only allowed to invoke the Civil War as a tourism driver if you were on the Union side."
First of all, the people who were on either side of the civil war are all dead. Now if you mean people today who think the South was right to fight to keep slavery, of course you are allowed to invoke the civil war. As long as you don't mind revealing yourself to be a racist, lying hatemonger.
Publius, Big Government: "Today, in 1933, the prohibition on 3.2% ABV beer was repealed. It was a small step for freedom."
Brought to you by a Democrat. Against Republican opposition.
And finally, today's nomination for the Right Wing Scandal Most Unlikely to Turn Into a Major Political Issue:
Andrew Marcus, Big Government: "Yesterday on Big Government, Levi Russel, the communications director of the Tea Party Express posted an update about the status of the police investigation into who threw eggs at the Tea Party Express bus in Searchlight, Nevada."
Nice try, Andrew. Maybe next time you should demand Congressional hearings over who gave Jonah Goldberg a dirty look.
That's because you guys are not running Wendell Wilkie. You're running Jefferson Davis.
Sure looks that way.