Saving America, Wingnut Style

I loved this article at Renew America by some dimwit named Maria Vargas:

"Four things you can do today to save your country tomorrow"

"1. Teach your own children. A socialized school system leads to socialism, no doubt about it. We are witnessing the outcome of this jarring truth right now. "

Remember that the home schooling movement in this country was largely instigated by whites who didn't want their children in schools with black kids when they were desegregated. What they are really calling for here is re-segregation.

"2. Free Married Women from the 9-5 Routine."

Kirche, Kuche and Kinder. Back into the kitchen with you, woman. You have to do it to save your country.

"3. Start a Family Business. Numbers one and two above reach full flowering with the family-run business. When your family becomes a little commonwealth, it becomes an enterprising entity that combines the best of the private and public spheres."

Start a business, and then claim that your entity "combines the best of the private and public spheres." This is a reiteration of the lunatic tax-protester denials that the U. S. government has authority over them, which have been a staple of hard-right cant for decades.

"4.Resurrect Civil Defense...our government has gone over the edge and plans on taking the rest of us with it. Yet there is not a region in the country that could not recruit knowledgeable and dedicated American citizens to guard vulnerable facilities, monitor invasive movements and plan evacuation and defense maneuvers. We are in the enviable position of one-upping the Greatest Generation. It left the farms and cities behind to fight for freedom abroad, but we can do the same at home."

Guns. Guns, guns, guns. Yes sir, we are going to take our guns, and do something bigger than beating Hitler. We are going to kill Obama. And lots more liberals, yes sir.

Well, that's it. Here's how to save America: bring back segregation, put women back in the kitchen, deny that the Federal government has any right to tell you anything, and start shooting anyone who disagrees.

That'll work.


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