Wingnut Wrapup

Boy, the wingnuts are out there with their malignant lunacy today:

Terry Paulsen, Town Hall: "“Give Me Individual Liberty Not Government Dependence”

Unless, of course, I'm a corporation or a really rich person.

Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: "Big Names, Big Speeches Close Out 2010 SRLC"

You forgot to mention big lies, Jillian. That was the main attraction.

Ed Feulner, Red State: "the left has...unions. But union members are largely forced against their will or coerced to join."

As opposed to tea partiers, who are happy to join the hate express, after decades of eating up Republican lies.

Bill, Red State: "New Jersey attempting to ween itself from federal teat"

Learn to spell, Bill.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Remember back during the 2008 campaign Hillary Clinton ran that ad asking who you’d want to be in the White House when the “3 a.m. phone call” came? 3 hours after midnight Eastern time this past Saturday, that 3 a.m. phone call came. The President of Poland, his wife, major government and military leaders, and others all died in a horrible plane crash in Russia."

And Obama didn't issue a statement for NINE HOURS! Oh my God! He's destroyed the world with his incompetence! How did we survive between this tragedy and the time when the President of the United States gave his opinion of it? He is the worst president in history. And don't you dare mention Katrina.

Confederate Yankee: "Great Depression Ended Because Roosevelt Died and Couldn't Extend It"

In 1945? How do you tell whether something like this is a malicious lie, or just ignorance of a magnitude hard to comprehend?

Confederate Yankee: "How horrible it must be to view your world through a prism like that that blinds CNN's Roland Martin. The poor man is so conflicted by his own bigotry that he can't tell the difference between Confederate soldiers of the Civil War and al Qaeda terrorists."

I can't either. And by the way, "Civil War?" Don't you mean the War of Northern Aggression?

Power Line: "Here's An Idea: Let's Politicize Medicine!"

Sorry, Republicans beat you to that one, a long time ago.

Rick Moran, Pajamas Media: "For Southern Republicans, 'It's the Constitution, Stupid'

No it's not, you jackass. It's the racism, stupid. Your ignorant Southern teabaggers don't know jack about the constitution, and they don't give a damn either.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Change! Iranian Regime Wants Obama Tried By International Tribunal...A top Iranian regime offiicial blasted Barack Obama today for his threatening comments about a nuclear attack on Iran"

Remember how disturbed you were when Bush routinely made belligerent, impotent threats against Iran? No? What changed? And since when did you develop such a great respect for the opinions of the Iranian government? It couldn't be that you are just a lying, hypocritical demagogue, could it?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "With Unemployment Near 10%, Obama Issued Over 1 Million Green Cards Last Year"

All by himself! He's been staying up late issuing these things by the thousands, while no one is looking. So that's why he hasn't had a chance to start any wars.

Neil Bryan Goldberg, Renew America: "Spitting on the flag"

Oh, excuse me... I thought he said "spitting on the fag." That would be so much more in character for Renew America.

Robert Meyer, Renew America: "How Bart Stupak mirrors Neville Chamberlain"

I guess that makes Obama Hitler, huh? Is that your point? Will you people please grow up already?

Curtis Dahlgren, Renew America: "When winners win, that's Freedom; when losers win, that's Utopia ("No Place")

Really? Do I need to remind you who the losers are? That would be you. So let the winners win already, and we will all be free. Free of your lies anyway.

Doug Hagin, Renew America: "Why would anyone be surprised that the usual suspects are aghast that Virginia's governor Bob McDonnell has rightly proclaimed April Confederate History Month? "

Yeah, I agree. Why would anyone be surprised that decent people are upset when this racist dick panders to his ignorant racist followers? Isn't that the way government in the south is supposed to work? Dougie continues:

"there is this idea that this is bad for the GOP because, get this, the Left will criticize us over the governor's action. Excuse me for injecting some reality here, but when the Hell have Liberals NOT criticized Republicans? "

Oh, back around 1912. That's the last time the Republicans did anything that they don't have to be ashamed of. But wait, there's more:

"Again, how is studying the Confederacy any less important? Is not the essential question right now, on so many issues, NOT States rights? And what was the fight from 1861-65 over again? Yes, States rights."

States rights to have slaves. That's what it was about. Why, that was one of the great constitutional times of our country- when you guys went on a treasonous, murderous rampage for four years, to preserve the noble position that you were allowed to own black people. And aren't you proud of your stand for freedom?

World Net Daily BREAKING NEWS: "Valuable marriage advice ... from strippers"

Hey, how come we don't get good stuff like this on left wing blogs? I thought we were supposed to be the sex-crazed ones.

Stuart Schwartz, American Thinker: "NYT's Pinch: The 'Poofter' Fights Back"

Right wing argumentation at its finest.

American Thinker: "The empty suit president"

Listen, guys- it's a lot better than the empty brain president.


What domestic apparel industry? You guys moved it all to China.

Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "Is Sarah Palin Presidential?"

Is Daffy Duck presidential? If so, Sarah Palin is, because they are just about equal.


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