Wingnut Wrapup
Another day, another load of lies, hatred and stupidity from what today passes for one of our two major political parties:
Sarah Palin: “I’m sick and tired of Obama and the White House coming out with yet another new crisis that has to be fixed by government sticking it to the people… But see, to many in the White House including our own president, I don’t know when they’ve run a business. I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.“
And Sarah, when were you a CEO? When did you have to make a payroll? I'll give you this- you now have to live within your own means- the $12 million a year you are being paid to spread corporate lies to the gullible among us. That's a sacrifice for you, I'm sure, and gives you a real insight into the struggle of ordinary people to survive in the new Republican world.
Gateway Pundit: "Shocker. Obama Town Hall Stacked With Supporters"
Of course, when George Bush made a public appearance, anyone who might possibly disagree with him was put inside a cage. That, of course, was not a shocker. It was just what we expected.
Gateway Pundit: "Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) dropped the s-bomb 11 times this morning during the Goldman Sachs show trial in the Senate Government Affairs Subcommittee Hearing."
We're shocked, Americans. Democratic Senator Carl Levin did use the word "shitty" 11 times while interviewing a Godman Sachs criminal. What a disgusting thing to do, huh? Mr. Pundit did not bother to inform his readers, of course, that the 11 uses of that word came when he asked the Goldman Sachs employee 11 times to explain why he sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of a financial product to unsuspecting Americans, that he privately described in an e-mail as, yes, you guessed it, "shitty."
Needless to say, Senator Levin never did get an answer.
Gateway Pundit: "Obama Praises Coal Industry at Miners Memorial But Just Days Earlier Imposed New Rules That Will Cost Coal Mining Companies Hundreds of Jobs"
Of course, it will save coal miners hundreds of lives. To hell with that, huh? Since when are workers' lives more important than corporate profits?
Marita Vargas, Renew America: "The prejudice that dares not speak its name: anti-Semitism"
Hey, Marita, I think it just did speak its name.
Arlen Williams, Renew America: "The greatest scandal in modern history -- treason in process...It entails global Marxofascism / global kleptocracy, with Americans being the chief victims, while a few overlords rule... And as for Americans willingly instigating this, it is treason...Element by element, this beast is designed to virtually enslave, yes, the entire world. That includes the "nation" of America. That includes you."
Mr. Williams is referring, of course, to regulations that prevent Wall Street brokers from robbing us blind- the thing that prevented another depression from 1929 until Saint Ronald Reagan dismantled them. Well, here we are again, and if we try to do anything to stop it in the future, we are Marxofascists. Whatever in hell that is.
John Peeples, American Thinker: "What caused the offshore oil platform to explode? Why is no one asking, "how did this happen?" Why is the MSM silent on this point...? Why do I have to be so paranoid about things these days?"
John, you don't have to be paranoid, you just are. Really, talk it over with your analyst. He'll explain it to you.
On the other hand, maybe you're just lying and you don't care at all, but just think you can milk another lie out of it.
And now another entry in the "Conspiracy Least Likely to Catch Fire with the American Public" contest:
Ben-Peter Terpstra, American Thinker: "Hawkings sides with aliens over humans"
Okay. Listen, at least he found some aliens we can all be against. And by the way, could you at least spell his name right?
Roger Simon, Pajamas Media: "The real reason liberals accuse Tea Partiers of racism"
Roger devotes about 700 words to this one. I can do it in one sentence, and I'm even telling the truth. We accuse the Tea Partiers of racism because they are racists. There, that was simple, huh?
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama Sniper Teams Ordered to Rooftops To Quash Radical Tea Party Protest"
I loved this story. Has this lying jackass ever been to a presidential appearance? There are always guys with guns on the rooftops. Anyway, let us take a look at this massive Tea Party protest, which so threatened Obama that he had to have the Secret Service do what it does every day:

Six aged codgers. Isn't it about time that someone more important than me starts pointing out that the whole teabag movement is a gigantic mirage? And believe me, this idiot was not the only one to publish this totally bogus story about a nonexistent repression against a nonexistent demonstration. Here's one more:
Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "Update: Obama's Thugs Turn Goon Squad Loose On Grandma"
And what does "Obama's Thugs Turn Goon Squad Loose" mean? Was anyone beaten? Was anyone yelled at? This whole thing is nothing but one more Republican lie.
Chris Adamo, Renew America: "The painful lessons for Republicans over the past three decades seem to have finally sunk in. On every occasion in which they ever attempted to cross the aisle, find "common ground" with liberal Democrats, or "end the rancor"...the Democrats gain both the political and philosophical high ground, appearing as principled leaders while their duped GOP counterparts are left in stunned amazement, facing the wrath or indifference of a demoralized conservative grassroots."
Do I need to point this out: " On every occasion in which they ever attempted to cross the aisle, find "common ground" with liberal Democrats"...that would be never.
Arlen Williams, Renew America: "The greatest scandal in modern history -- treason in process"
That would be (what else?) holding Wall Street responsible for their role in destroying our economy.
World Net Daily EXCLUSIVE NEWS!: "New name for Obama: The Manchurian President"
EXCLUSIVE NEWS!!! Conservatives have found a new lie to tell about Obama!!!! Oh boy, they are on a roll now!!!!!!!!!!
Victor Davis Hanson, National Review Online: "Noble laureate Barack Obama is enjoying (the) traditional exemption from wartime criticism"
Oh right. You guys have totally abstained from criticizing him.
Actually, I sort of see your point there. I guess just making up any kind of lying smear about him and repeating it every day for months on end doesn't really qualify as what we might call "criticism."
Sarah Palin: “I’m sick and tired of Obama and the White House coming out with yet another new crisis that has to be fixed by government sticking it to the people… But see, to many in the White House including our own president, I don’t know when they’ve run a business. I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.“
And Sarah, when were you a CEO? When did you have to make a payroll? I'll give you this- you now have to live within your own means- the $12 million a year you are being paid to spread corporate lies to the gullible among us. That's a sacrifice for you, I'm sure, and gives you a real insight into the struggle of ordinary people to survive in the new Republican world.
Gateway Pundit: "Shocker. Obama Town Hall Stacked With Supporters"
Of course, when George Bush made a public appearance, anyone who might possibly disagree with him was put inside a cage. That, of course, was not a shocker. It was just what we expected.
Gateway Pundit: "Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) dropped the s-bomb 11 times this morning during the Goldman Sachs show trial in the Senate Government Affairs Subcommittee Hearing."
We're shocked, Americans. Democratic Senator Carl Levin did use the word "shitty" 11 times while interviewing a Godman Sachs criminal. What a disgusting thing to do, huh? Mr. Pundit did not bother to inform his readers, of course, that the 11 uses of that word came when he asked the Goldman Sachs employee 11 times to explain why he sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of a financial product to unsuspecting Americans, that he privately described in an e-mail as, yes, you guessed it, "shitty."
Needless to say, Senator Levin never did get an answer.
Gateway Pundit: "Obama Praises Coal Industry at Miners Memorial But Just Days Earlier Imposed New Rules That Will Cost Coal Mining Companies Hundreds of Jobs"
Of course, it will save coal miners hundreds of lives. To hell with that, huh? Since when are workers' lives more important than corporate profits?
Marita Vargas, Renew America: "The prejudice that dares not speak its name: anti-Semitism"
Hey, Marita, I think it just did speak its name.
Arlen Williams, Renew America: "The greatest scandal in modern history -- treason in process...It entails global Marxofascism / global kleptocracy, with Americans being the chief victims, while a few overlords rule... And as for Americans willingly instigating this, it is treason...Element by element, this beast is designed to virtually enslave, yes, the entire world. That includes the "nation" of America. That includes you."
Mr. Williams is referring, of course, to regulations that prevent Wall Street brokers from robbing us blind- the thing that prevented another depression from 1929 until Saint Ronald Reagan dismantled them. Well, here we are again, and if we try to do anything to stop it in the future, we are Marxofascists. Whatever in hell that is.
John Peeples, American Thinker: "What caused the offshore oil platform to explode? Why is no one asking, "how did this happen?" Why is the MSM silent on this point...? Why do I have to be so paranoid about things these days?"
John, you don't have to be paranoid, you just are. Really, talk it over with your analyst. He'll explain it to you.
On the other hand, maybe you're just lying and you don't care at all, but just think you can milk another lie out of it.
And now another entry in the "Conspiracy Least Likely to Catch Fire with the American Public" contest:
Ben-Peter Terpstra, American Thinker: "Hawkings sides with aliens over humans"
Okay. Listen, at least he found some aliens we can all be against. And by the way, could you at least spell his name right?
Roger Simon, Pajamas Media: "The real reason liberals accuse Tea Partiers of racism"
Roger devotes about 700 words to this one. I can do it in one sentence, and I'm even telling the truth. We accuse the Tea Partiers of racism because they are racists. There, that was simple, huh?
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama Sniper Teams Ordered to Rooftops To Quash Radical Tea Party Protest"
I loved this story. Has this lying jackass ever been to a presidential appearance? There are always guys with guns on the rooftops. Anyway, let us take a look at this massive Tea Party protest, which so threatened Obama that he had to have the Secret Service do what it does every day:

Six aged codgers. Isn't it about time that someone more important than me starts pointing out that the whole teabag movement is a gigantic mirage? And believe me, this idiot was not the only one to publish this totally bogus story about a nonexistent repression against a nonexistent demonstration. Here's one more:
Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "Update: Obama's Thugs Turn Goon Squad Loose On Grandma"
And what does "Obama's Thugs Turn Goon Squad Loose" mean? Was anyone beaten? Was anyone yelled at? This whole thing is nothing but one more Republican lie.
Chris Adamo, Renew America: "The painful lessons for Republicans over the past three decades seem to have finally sunk in. On every occasion in which they ever attempted to cross the aisle, find "common ground" with liberal Democrats, or "end the rancor"...the Democrats gain both the political and philosophical high ground, appearing as principled leaders while their duped GOP counterparts are left in stunned amazement, facing the wrath or indifference of a demoralized conservative grassroots."
Do I need to point this out: " On every occasion in which they ever attempted to cross the aisle, find "common ground" with liberal Democrats"...that would be never.
Arlen Williams, Renew America: "The greatest scandal in modern history -- treason in process"
That would be (what else?) holding Wall Street responsible for their role in destroying our economy.
World Net Daily EXCLUSIVE NEWS!: "New name for Obama: The Manchurian President"
EXCLUSIVE NEWS!!! Conservatives have found a new lie to tell about Obama!!!! Oh boy, they are on a roll now!!!!!!!!!!
Victor Davis Hanson, National Review Online: "Noble laureate Barack Obama is enjoying (the) traditional exemption from wartime criticism"
Oh right. You guys have totally abstained from criticizing him.
Actually, I sort of see your point there. I guess just making up any kind of lying smear about him and repeating it every day for months on end doesn't really qualify as what we might call "criticism."