Wingnut Wrapup
I'm sorry- just the usual malicious lies today. Maybe they will do better tomorrow. I think they are still worn out from their tea partying.
Michael Barone, Town Hall: "Tea Partiers Fight Obama's Culture of Dependence"
Mostly by not showing up. That's not how the founding fathers did it, guys.
Katie Packer, Town Hall: "Where's the Change?"
Forgot the health care bill already, Katie? Don't worry, Obama is going to remind you where the change is when he sticks a knife in the back of Goldman Sachs.
Sandy Rios, Town Hall: "The Tea Party in Boston Knew How to Right a Ship"
Huh? This may mean something to someone, but it is my nomination for today's most meaningless blog title.
Dave Poff, Red State: "I have yet to hear Palin or Limbaugh or Beck or anyone else for that matter call for “inciting rebellion against the authority of the state.”
Not listening very hard, are you, Dave. Maybe it's time for a visit to an ear doctor. Or a psychiatrist.
Confederate Yankee: " April 19, 2010...Organized Thuggery Getting More Organized in NC...The Washington Post notes this morning that North Carolina Democrats are attempting to create a hard-left third party to oust those NC Democrats who voted against Obamacare."
Of course the Republicans would never think of organizing a hard right third party to purge the few sane members they have left. And if they did, they certainly wouldn't name it after a hot beverage.
Power Line: "Was Vicious Attack On Republicans Inspired by Democratic Party?" Was this crime politically motivated? I don't know."
You don't know. Of course that is not going to stop you and your fellow conservatives from writing dozens of articles trying to make people believe that it was.
Victor Davis Hanson, Pajamas Media: "How Could We Be So Stupid?"
Finally a right winger asks the right question.
Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Obama continues his relentless destruction of America"
Sher is on the loose again. Here's a little more of her current drooling idiocy:
"Obama has already nationalized — that is, HE controls — the banking and auto industries. Now Obama, Marxist Party members of Congress — including RINO Marxist-Lite Sen. Lindsey Graham — are pushing for a new gas tax to resume and resuscitate the proven hoax that is/was "global warming."
How many lies can you fit in two sentences? I count at least five: Obama controls the banking and auto industries (oh, if it were only true,) Obama is a Marxist, Democrats in Congress are Marxists, Lindsey Graham is a Marxist (!) and global warming is a proven hoax. Good work there, Sher. And just for fun, here's one more lie:
"Oh and by the way, King George III labeled Jefferson and our founding fathers and mothers terrorists, too."
Completely false, of course. The term "terrorism" grew out of the Jacobin "terror" in France in the 1790s, well after our revolution. And it did not occur in its present sense until its use by Russian Nihilists in the mid-1800's. She just made this up, as usual.
Henry Lamb, Renew America: "What's really behind the Tea Parties?"
Stupidity, Henry. And Republican money.

Would someone like to explain to me how this is not a blatant example of racist hatred? Particularly because Michelle looks pretty darned good in this picture, and the only thing these pigs could find objectionable about her appearance is the fact that she is black.
Forget it. Don't even try. You'll just make a fool out of yourself.
World Net Daily: "Armageddon? Not yet, many fervently hope. Last night, only two weeks after President Obama publicly ridiculed conservatives across America by explaining how after signing health-care reform into law he looked up to check whether an asteroid was streaking through the sky, a chunk of one apparently whizzed across the central United States."
Health care legislation is going to bring on Armageddon. And Joseph Farah is totally puzzled why the White House won't treat World Net Daily the same as the mainstream press. Keep on truckin' Joseph. You're keeping us in business here at Green Eagle.
Michael Barone, Town Hall: "Tea Partiers Fight Obama's Culture of Dependence"
Mostly by not showing up. That's not how the founding fathers did it, guys.
Katie Packer, Town Hall: "Where's the Change?"
Forgot the health care bill already, Katie? Don't worry, Obama is going to remind you where the change is when he sticks a knife in the back of Goldman Sachs.
Sandy Rios, Town Hall: "The Tea Party in Boston Knew How to Right a Ship"
Huh? This may mean something to someone, but it is my nomination for today's most meaningless blog title.
Dave Poff, Red State: "I have yet to hear Palin or Limbaugh or Beck or anyone else for that matter call for “inciting rebellion against the authority of the state.”
Not listening very hard, are you, Dave. Maybe it's time for a visit to an ear doctor. Or a psychiatrist.
Confederate Yankee: " April 19, 2010...Organized Thuggery Getting More Organized in NC...The Washington Post notes this morning that North Carolina Democrats are attempting to create a hard-left third party to oust those NC Democrats who voted against Obamacare."
Of course the Republicans would never think of organizing a hard right third party to purge the few sane members they have left. And if they did, they certainly wouldn't name it after a hot beverage.
Power Line: "Was Vicious Attack On Republicans Inspired by Democratic Party?" Was this crime politically motivated? I don't know."
You don't know. Of course that is not going to stop you and your fellow conservatives from writing dozens of articles trying to make people believe that it was.
Victor Davis Hanson, Pajamas Media: "How Could We Be So Stupid?"
Finally a right winger asks the right question.
Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Obama continues his relentless destruction of America"
Sher is on the loose again. Here's a little more of her current drooling idiocy:
"Obama has already nationalized — that is, HE controls — the banking and auto industries. Now Obama, Marxist Party members of Congress — including RINO Marxist-Lite Sen. Lindsey Graham — are pushing for a new gas tax to resume and resuscitate the proven hoax that is/was "global warming."
How many lies can you fit in two sentences? I count at least five: Obama controls the banking and auto industries (oh, if it were only true,) Obama is a Marxist, Democrats in Congress are Marxists, Lindsey Graham is a Marxist (!) and global warming is a proven hoax. Good work there, Sher. And just for fun, here's one more lie:
"Oh and by the way, King George III labeled Jefferson and our founding fathers and mothers terrorists, too."
Completely false, of course. The term "terrorism" grew out of the Jacobin "terror" in France in the 1790s, well after our revolution. And it did not occur in its present sense until its use by Russian Nihilists in the mid-1800's. She just made this up, as usual.
Henry Lamb, Renew America: "What's really behind the Tea Parties?"
Stupidity, Henry. And Republican money.

Would someone like to explain to me how this is not a blatant example of racist hatred? Particularly because Michelle looks pretty darned good in this picture, and the only thing these pigs could find objectionable about her appearance is the fact that she is black.
Forget it. Don't even try. You'll just make a fool out of yourself.
World Net Daily: "Armageddon? Not yet, many fervently hope. Last night, only two weeks after President Obama publicly ridiculed conservatives across America by explaining how after signing health-care reform into law he looked up to check whether an asteroid was streaking through the sky, a chunk of one apparently whizzed across the central United States."
Health care legislation is going to bring on Armageddon. And Joseph Farah is totally puzzled why the White House won't treat World Net Daily the same as the mainstream press. Keep on truckin' Joseph. You're keeping us in business here at Green Eagle.