The Biggest Liar in America?

God in heaven above, can there be a more dishonest person on the face of the earth? From Newsweek:

"Maverick" is a mantle McCain no longer claims; in fact, he now denies he ever was one. "I never considered myself a maverick," he told me."

I was so speechless at this outrage, even after McCains's conclusive demonstration for years that he has not the slightest shred of honor, that I wanted to post about this and couldn't think of what to say. Luckily, a brilliant post at Daily Kos said it all for me:

"I considered including video of McCain, you know, calling himself a maverick. But really, why even bother entertaining the notion that there's someone in America who doesn't know the truth?

I mean, this is literally painfully obvious. It hurts to contemplate how insulting this is!

F it! Why bother getting up for work? Why bother working hard? Why bother paying your taxes, parking in legal spaces, or paying for goods and services? Why bother with anything, when you can be a "leader" in America despite saying one thing for your entire political career, and then unsaying it just for the hell of it?"

This man is dishonest beyond the dreams even of his fellow Republicans. Even after hugging the man who smeared his wife and child, even after he ran around the country screaming "America first" while trying to place an ignorant, stupid, lying demagogue a step away from the Oval Office, who could imagine that he would stoop this low?

Man, I can't wait for the day when we don't have to have him interfering in our nation's affairs any more.


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