Wingnut Wrapup
Some choice insights today into what passes for thinking on the right side of our national political spectrum:
Michael Barone, Town Hall: "Under Obama, a Diminished Sense of Opportunity...The Pew Research Center's poll of the millennial generation found that they identify with Democrats over Republicans by only a 54 to 40 percent margin this year."
I see. The millenial generation "only" identifies with Democrats by a 54 to 40 percent margin- i.e. what would be considered a landslide in a national political race. Obama's decisive election victory was by a margin of 53% to 46%. The last time someone won the White House by a margin greater than the current 54 to 40 Democratic lead was in 1932. Well, keep dreaming, Michael.
Bernard Chapin, Pajamas Media: "Hopefully, Republican ringleaders will learn from recent history and internalize the lesson that the political left — as opposed to conservative ideas and initiatives — are the real enemy"
The real enemy- as opposed, say, to Al Qaida or the Taliban. Well, at least they are a lot closer, so your ignorant, violent militia guys will have less trouble reaching them when they decide that it's time to start shooting.
John Adams, Human Events: "It is the double standard that the Democrats enjoy in the media. Liberal commentators slur the Tea Partiers daily by calling them "teabaggers" Why isn't this considered "hate speech"?
Because it isn't "hate speech," it's "ridicule speech." Big difference there.
Ben Shapiro, Human Events: "Is this Kristallnacht or the Reichstag Fire?"
Or the Beer Hall Putsch, or the Anschluss, or maybe the Wolfsschanze or the Wehrmacht. It's got to be some Nazi word, right? Listen, Ben, why don't you just go back to being the only Jewish creationist on earth? Politics seems to be too complicated for you.
Dutch Brewer, American Thinker: "Obama has been shown to be an empty vessel, into which hopeful Americans poured their hopes and dreams in 2008."
Of course, he is an empty vessel who is delivering on major issues. Wait a minute...wouldn't that sort of make him a full vessel?
Kim Zigfeld, American Thinker: "Obama's Russian Disaster"
I.e. Obama's major disarmament breakthrough. It's a "disaster" in Republican eyes because it wasn't achieved through mindless belligerence. Because foreign policy success for Republicans is whatever makes them feel like great big tough guys.
Mark Steyn, National Review Online: "The Party of Fake Hate"
That would be the Democrats. We couldn't make the same accusation against Republicans. They're the party of real hate.
Cal Thomas, Town Hall: "Republicans Need a Plan B"
What, lying your asses off isn't working for you any more?
Pat Buchanan, Town Hall: "If there was any doubt that hatred of and hostility toward the Catholic Church persists, it was removed by the mob that has arisen howling "Resign!" at Pope Benedict XVI."
A howling mob. Pat, you know what we hate? Serial sexual predators and the people who enable them. That includes the current "Pope." And now, it includes you.
Erick Erickson, Red State: "I have asked the question before.
I asked it again.
And again.
How many Americans are going to die because of the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of our national security?"
Well, let's see. How many Americans have died so far, due to "the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of our national security?"
That would be, uh, lets see now, let me add this up, uh...that's right, none. So, based on the evidence, how many will die in the future? By extrapolating, I come up with the figure of none. There, do you feel better now?
By the way, how many Americans died due to the Bush administration’s incompetent handling of our national security? That would be, oh, three th...three thou...Oh, forget that I asked.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "A Thousand Rain-Soaked Patriots Welcome the Tea Party Express to St. Louis"
And the photographic evidence:

Yes, Green Eagle counted so you don't have to. I found 117 people or parts of people shown here, including a couple in the background that I think were passersby. So, judging by what I see here, Gateway guy was off only by a factor of eight- pretty respectable by tea party standards.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama was booed loudly at the Nationals Game today in Washington DC, a city where he collected over 90% of the vote in 2008."
Typical of several right wing comments today Boy, the people must hate him. None of them bother to mention that he was loudly cheered, and only got booed by the home town crowd when he pulled out a Chicago White Sox hat and put it on.
Frank Gaffney, Newsmax: "Who Lost Iraq?"
Obama, of course. Read it and weep:
"There should be no doubt, however: The repercussions of the Obama administration losing Iraq will cost us dearly in the future as adherents to Shariah around the world are reinforced in their conviction that our defeat and submission is preordained. "
And last, a rare visit with one of our favorite loons, Pamela Schuffert. Don't laugh- the way things are going, we are going to be hearing this from McConnell and Boehner in a decade or so:
Pamela Schuffert, American Holocaust: "AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR, NUMEROUS INNOCENT VICTIMS WILL BE RUTHLESSLY SACRIFICED BY SATANISTS WORLDWIDE...hapless and terrified victims, male and female alike, are secured to crosses, tortured beyond words to describe, and them killed, all to the screams of "hail satan!" This kind of horrific sacrifice ritual happens all over the world at this time of the year. AMERICA'S SOIL IS STAINED WITH THE BLOOD OF THE UNKNOWN MARTYRS."
And this is Obama's fault too, I'm sure. Damn him and that White Sox hat.
Michael Barone, Town Hall: "Under Obama, a Diminished Sense of Opportunity...The Pew Research Center's poll of the millennial generation found that they identify with Democrats over Republicans by only a 54 to 40 percent margin this year."
I see. The millenial generation "only" identifies with Democrats by a 54 to 40 percent margin- i.e. what would be considered a landslide in a national political race. Obama's decisive election victory was by a margin of 53% to 46%. The last time someone won the White House by a margin greater than the current 54 to 40 Democratic lead was in 1932. Well, keep dreaming, Michael.
Bernard Chapin, Pajamas Media: "Hopefully, Republican ringleaders will learn from recent history and internalize the lesson that the political left — as opposed to conservative ideas and initiatives — are the real enemy"
The real enemy- as opposed, say, to Al Qaida or the Taliban. Well, at least they are a lot closer, so your ignorant, violent militia guys will have less trouble reaching them when they decide that it's time to start shooting.
John Adams, Human Events: "It is the double standard that the Democrats enjoy in the media. Liberal commentators slur the Tea Partiers daily by calling them "teabaggers" Why isn't this considered "hate speech"?
Because it isn't "hate speech," it's "ridicule speech." Big difference there.
Ben Shapiro, Human Events: "Is this Kristallnacht or the Reichstag Fire?"
Or the Beer Hall Putsch, or the Anschluss, or maybe the Wolfsschanze or the Wehrmacht. It's got to be some Nazi word, right? Listen, Ben, why don't you just go back to being the only Jewish creationist on earth? Politics seems to be too complicated for you.
Dutch Brewer, American Thinker: "Obama has been shown to be an empty vessel, into which hopeful Americans poured their hopes and dreams in 2008."
Of course, he is an empty vessel who is delivering on major issues. Wait a minute...wouldn't that sort of make him a full vessel?
Kim Zigfeld, American Thinker: "Obama's Russian Disaster"
I.e. Obama's major disarmament breakthrough. It's a "disaster" in Republican eyes because it wasn't achieved through mindless belligerence. Because foreign policy success for Republicans is whatever makes them feel like great big tough guys.
Mark Steyn, National Review Online: "The Party of Fake Hate"
That would be the Democrats. We couldn't make the same accusation against Republicans. They're the party of real hate.
Cal Thomas, Town Hall: "Republicans Need a Plan B"
What, lying your asses off isn't working for you any more?
Pat Buchanan, Town Hall: "If there was any doubt that hatred of and hostility toward the Catholic Church persists, it was removed by the mob that has arisen howling "Resign!" at Pope Benedict XVI."
A howling mob. Pat, you know what we hate? Serial sexual predators and the people who enable them. That includes the current "Pope." And now, it includes you.
Erick Erickson, Red State: "I have asked the question before.
I asked it again.
And again.
How many Americans are going to die because of the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of our national security?"
Well, let's see. How many Americans have died so far, due to "the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of our national security?"
That would be, uh, lets see now, let me add this up, uh...that's right, none. So, based on the evidence, how many will die in the future? By extrapolating, I come up with the figure of none. There, do you feel better now?
By the way, how many Americans died due to the Bush administration’s incompetent handling of our national security? That would be, oh, three th...three thou...Oh, forget that I asked.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "A Thousand Rain-Soaked Patriots Welcome the Tea Party Express to St. Louis"
And the photographic evidence:

Yes, Green Eagle counted so you don't have to. I found 117 people or parts of people shown here, including a couple in the background that I think were passersby. So, judging by what I see here, Gateway guy was off only by a factor of eight- pretty respectable by tea party standards.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama was booed loudly at the Nationals Game today in Washington DC, a city where he collected over 90% of the vote in 2008."
Typical of several right wing comments today Boy, the people must hate him. None of them bother to mention that he was loudly cheered, and only got booed by the home town crowd when he pulled out a Chicago White Sox hat and put it on.
Frank Gaffney, Newsmax: "Who Lost Iraq?"
Obama, of course. Read it and weep:
"There should be no doubt, however: The repercussions of the Obama administration losing Iraq will cost us dearly in the future as adherents to Shariah around the world are reinforced in their conviction that our defeat and submission is preordained. "
And last, a rare visit with one of our favorite loons, Pamela Schuffert. Don't laugh- the way things are going, we are going to be hearing this from McConnell and Boehner in a decade or so:
Pamela Schuffert, American Holocaust: "AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR, NUMEROUS INNOCENT VICTIMS WILL BE RUTHLESSLY SACRIFICED BY SATANISTS WORLDWIDE...hapless and terrified victims, male and female alike, are secured to crosses, tortured beyond words to describe, and them killed, all to the screams of "hail satan!" This kind of horrific sacrifice ritual happens all over the world at this time of the year. AMERICA'S SOIL IS STAINED WITH THE BLOOD OF THE UNKNOWN MARTYRS."
And this is Obama's fault too, I'm sure. Damn him and that White Sox hat.
I'm not sure how over half of AMERICAN CITIZENS became "the enemy". The enemy of what? Right wing oppressiveness and demigogery?
Great post even if it does make my brain ache.