Wingnut Wrapup

Before diving in, I just want to note that after laying low for a few days following their spectacular teabag failure, wingnuts are now beginning to emerge with their usual lying claims about tea party attendance. For example, they are now claiming that the Washington march, reported everywhere on the day to have attracted around 3,000 people, actually was 20,000. And believe me, this is just the start. As soon as they decide people have forgotten the actual events, they will be making their usual preposterous claims about the strength of their basically nonexistent movement.

Let's not forget though, that compared to the two million they claimed showed up in Washington last fall, even 20,000 looks pretty pathetic. Of course, they were lying then, too.

Well, onward, into the fray:

Rich Tucker, Town Hall: " Left in a State of Rage"

Talk about projection. Unless they can't tell the difference between choking in fury and nearly dying of laughter.

Robert Knight, Town Hall: "The Tea Party That Obama Missed"

Hey, noodnick, he missed them all. And believe Green Eagle, who has been to lots, he didn't miss much.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Is the Obama Administration Behind An Astroturf Anti-Tea Party Website? is not far removed to speculate the Obama administration is behind a new anti-tea party website called The Other 95, which defends the government from tea party criticisms and attacks the tea party movement as fringe."

Serious journalism from CNN's newest star: "it is not far removed to speculate." In the absence of a single shred of evidence to back up this claim, "it is not far removed to speculate."

By the way, if you are interested, here's The Other 95%. Thanks for the tip, Erick.

Right wing investigative reporting at its finest. Or at least at its most typical.

MacAiodh, Red State: "The French Quarter Attack WAS Political…"

Lots of this, today, about two Republicans that were mugged in New Orleans, which seems to have been the first strike in an all out war ordered by Obama himself. Now, the New Orleans police reported that the attackers screamed racist epithets at the Republican victims, and there was no evidence that anything other than a routine mugging was involved. But, of course, wingnuts know better.

Claudia Rosett, Pajamas Media: "Obama's lack of an effective Iran policy is a surprise — but no secret."

It's not a surprise either, Claudia. Bush and Cheney's war of aggression left a shattered country which no one can fix in the short term. There is no policy that will work.

Bob Owens, Pajamas Media: "Democrats were thrilled with the idea of going to tea parties to expose racism. I wonder how they feel about that after the left's disgraceful Tax Day display."

Which consists of, basically, ignoring the whole thing. Easy to do, considering what a bust it was. Face it, Bob, even you don't want to talk about what really happened.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama & Dems Make Great Strides… In Achieving Communist Goals for America. You read that right…In 1963 The Honorable A. S. Herlong, Jr of Florida recited the Communist Goals for America in the House of Representatives on Thursday, January 10, 1963."

"Communist goals," read from a book by one Cleon Skousen, one of the founders of the John Birch society. I'm not going to reprint this endless list here. Trust me, it's not worth your time.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Iranian Cleric: Inappropriately Dressed Women Cause Infidelity & Earthquakes"

American cleric: Gays in New Orleans cause hurricanes. Jim didn't have much to say about that one.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Raging Commie Protesters Attack Nazi Socialists at LA Demonstration"

And if you are part of a demonstration against Nazis, you are a communist. Because no one on his side would be against Nazis. I agree with Jim on that one.

So anyway, some guy covered with swastika tatoos got beat up. Who cares? Too bad they didn't get a few more of them.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "This is turning into some horrid science fiction movie, only were suffering through this in real life. Pelosi says the Dem-socialists are one pillar away from destroying America."

And we know, because Jim Hoft is so careful to stick to the exact truth, that that's exactly what Pelosi said, right? "Dem-socialists are one pillar away from destroying America." The very words out of her mouth.

Damn her for giving our plan away.

Robin of Berkeley, American Thinker: "Was Jesus a Marxist? I think that the progressives know, deep inside, in places they keep well-hidden, that their souls are damaged."

All those progressives who claim that Jesus was a Marxist: i.e. none, being as how I don't believe he ever called for government ownership of the means of production. I could be wrong about that, however. Maybe it's in that new version of the bible that conservatives are writing.

On the other hand, I wonder how much it damages your soul when every word out of your mouth is a lie.

Jack Cashill, American Thinker: "Barack Obama's Missing Girlfriends...Has any biographer ever actually interviewed a former girlfriend of Barack Obama?"

Let's get right on this one. This could be the scandal that finally destroys Obama- he only dated really ugly girls.


Lie, as usual. And funny how they suddenly care about corporate welfare.


Yeah, right. Why don't we just let all corporations do whatever the hell they want? After all, look how well that approach worked in the mortgage lending business.


Poll P. said…
Thanks for the heads-up about "The other 95." I became a fan and shared on Facebook.
Infidel753 said…
Claudia Rosett, Pajamas Media: "Obama's lack of an effective Iran policy is a surprise — but no secret."

It's not a surprise either, Claudia. Bush and Cheney's war of aggression left a shattered country which no one can fix in the short term. There is no policy that will work.

Are you sure you're not thinking of Iraq?
Green Eagle said…
I think I did. Oh well, we're even more screwed in Iran, where we deposed their democratically elected leader, imposed a vicious dictator on them who was easily as bad as Saddam, financed Saddam's war against them, and had a president spend eight years blabbing out belligerent, childish threats against them. These people do not have one reason in the world to trust the United States for a second. We have decades of work ahead of us if we want to change that. Look at the wingnuts in this country still raging a century and a half later at the injustice of their filthy confederacy losing the War To End Southern Slavery. Do you think the Iranians are likely to forget so soon the real aggression committed against them by our country?

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