Wingnut Wrapup

Not much news today, and not much right wing stupidity either, so I get to treat you to an extended visit with one of the Great Ones, Jonah Goldberg, perpetual nominee for Biggest Liar on Earth. That'll be fun, huh?

Jonah Goldberg, Town Hall: "I attended the Cincinnati Tax Day Tea Party rally...I did see something a lot of people, on both the left and the right, seemed to have missed: a delayed Bush backlash.

One of the more widespread anti-tea party arguments goes like this: Republicans didn't protest very much when Bush ran up deficits and expanded government, so when Obama does the same thing (albeit on a far grander scale), Republican complaints can't be sincere."

Actually, our argument is that attacking Obama for the Bush-caused deficits is a world monument of hypocrisy. But at least you're close.

"(Paul) Butler, a law professor...speaks for many in the media when he insinuates that nearly unprecedented stimulus spending combined with government takeovers of the health care, banking and automotive industries are dwarfed in importance by Obama's skin color.

I speak for many who have actually spoken to tea partiers when I say that is slanderous hogwash."

I have also spoken to many tea partiers and I say that this is not slanderous hogwash, but a phenomenon which Mr. Goldberg doesn't recognize because he is so unfamiliar with it: The truth. However, all of the above are dwarfed by something else: the teabaggers' insatiable greed.

"But how, then, to explain the relative right-wing quiescence on Bush's watch and fiscal Puritanism on Obama's?"

1. They are unbelievably ignorant. 2. Collectively, they make up one of the biggest collections of suckers in world history.

"Throughout his presidency, Bush's "compassionate conservatism" surrendered -- either rhetorically or substantively -- to the assumptions of welfare state liberalism, i.e. that your decency was best measured by your commitment to large, inefficient government programs."

Oh, I see. It was Bush's spending on welfare (i.e. black people) that was where he went wrong, not trillions on useless wars and tax giveaways to the rich. Yes sir, Jonah, we are going to jump right in and buy that argument. Right after we decide that the earth is actually 6,000 years old. My proof of that assertion? It's the same people who already believe in both of those things.

"Many conservatives disliked this whole mind-set and the policies behind it"

Not that there is a shred of historical evidence to that effect.

"According to last week's NYT/CBS poll of tea party supporters, 57 percent have a favorable view of Bush, but that hardly captures the nuance of tea party feelings"

Yes it does, Jonah. It captures the nuance of a bunch of stupid, ignorant people who can not even grasp what the concept of truth might be, let alone recognize it when they see it: i.e. the audience for your books.

Terry Jeffrey, Town Hall: "No New Public School Bailout...The $787 billion stimulus law President Barack Obama signed last year included a $100 billion bailout for the nation's public schools."

Terry, maybe this never occurred to you, but when government funds the public schools, that's called "its responsibility," not a bailout. That's why we call them "public."

Erick Erickson, Red State (and CNN, don't forget): "The Media Double Standard on Language...the media has decided to stop using the phrase “pro-life” because it is a loaded term. They are using “anti-abortion”, which itself is a loaded term. Never mind that some in the media continue using “pro-choice” instead of “pro-abortion”.

Erick, that's for two reasons: 1. No one is "pro-abortion" 2. Anti-abortion people have proven over and over again that they don't give a damn about the lives of anyone who has actually been born (like, by not wanting them to have medical care) so they can't really be described as "pro-life." Except by liars.

Vladimir, Red State: "Global Warming: What Are The Chances?"

100%. Boy, that one was easy

Roger Simon, Pajamas Media: "Guns, Religion, and NASCAR!"

It worked in Alabama.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Bill Clinton Gassed and Starved Thousands of Children But Has the Nerve to Lecture Tea Party Protesters on Violence & Civility...During the Waco Disaster, President Clinton approved of gassing children with CS tear-gas for 48 hours."

God, I didn't even know that there were thousands of children at Waco. As for the rest of your sick remarks, when I hear you express some remorse for the million civilians Bush killed in Iraq, I'll believe you really give a damn about the right wing lunatics who killed their own children at Waco.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Leftist Goons Interrupt Karl Rove Speech at University of Texas...Karl Rove was interrupted by a bearded hippie leftist at the University of Texas last night."

Interrupting now makes you a goon. Actually, it apparently makes you multiple goons. Of course conspiring to murder policemen makes you a hero. Go figure.

"Dr." Laura Schlesinger, Newsmax: "Home Should Represent True Fulfillment for Women"

Laura, rot in hell.

World Net Daily: "Confirmed! Global warming is 'settled' – as a scam. 'Climategate' author unveils evidence of 'every deception imaginable' Brian Sussman, whose book "Climategate" is being released Thursday – Earth Day – agrees it's "settled," as a scam."

'Climategate" author Brian Sussman, who is a well respected climate scientist. Oh wait, no he isn't- he's a right wing talk radio host who claims Obama was born in Kenya. Well, we will certainly give his opinion all the weight it deserves.

Walter E. Williams, World Net Daily: "More votes for those who pay taxes...What I'm suggesting is that every American gets one vote in every federal election, plus another vote for each $20,000 he pays in federal taxes. With such a system, there'd be a modicum of linkage between one's financial stake in our country and one's decision-making right. Of course, unequal voting power could be reduced by legislating lower taxes."

Oh God, even Green Eagle never thought that they would get this crazy. Oh well, at least GE and Exxon won't get any extra votes, seeing as how they didn't pay any taxes either.

Ann Kane, American Thinker: "Is the Goldman-Sachs scandal manufactured?"

Yes. By Goldman Sachs.

Astute Bloggers: "I AM QUITE DISAPPOINTED IN LAURA INGRAHAM...For being stupid enough to host Grover Norquist on her radio show. As has been noted by a couple others before, he is basically an Islamist mole, and probably even a CAIR agent."

Grover Norquist. One of the leading American conservatives of all time and a close associate of Ronald Reagan- an Islamist mole. Boy, if you're looking for a textbook case of "off the rails," here it is.

Dan Mitchell, Big Government: "Don’t Give Up on the American People…at Least not Yet"

Maybe tomorrow.

Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher: "Without a Tax Revolt We Are Lost"

Because we always take our economic advice from a failed plumber. Joe continues:

"I’m leading a Tea Party Patriot team in a growing on-line tax revolt which arrives in Washington , D.C. on April 15th to merge with huge physical rallies."

"Huge physical rallies." How'd that work out for you, Joe?

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I was unfair to Joe. I've seen some pictures of these rallies, and I think that what Joe meant to say was not huge physical rallies of people, but rallies of physically huge people. There might be some truth to that one. Huge, and also old and white. Very white.


magpie said…
Laura Schlesinger...

I might buy her book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" as a birthday present for my wife... I don't feel I have lived sufficiently dangerously this week and haven't seen her angry for... oh... hours.
Green Eagle said…
I wish I could see my wife go hours without being angry. Oh well, at least her anger is all caused by being unable to prevent her stratocaster from feeding back through her vibrolux when the tube screamer is turned on.

Life is just full of trouble, huh?
magpie said…
Well at least you can hear yours coming...

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