Wingnut Wrapup
God, the stupidity never stops. Or the contempt for anything decent. Here's today's load:
David Brooks, Meet the Press: "Moving Further to the Right is Good for Republicans as Long as They're 'Principled'
Principled? Fat chance, huh? Just don't hold your breath, David. It's never happened yet.
Erick Erickson, Red State: "VAT Talk Runs Against Desire of the Country"
So it's a good thing that the only people talking about it are the usual right wing liars, huh, Erick?
Moe Lane, Red State: "The secret to the Obama annoyance is snotty lecturing. At the lectern is a twerp of a grad student—the prototypical A student—insecure, overbearing, full of himself and contempt for his students. All we want is an easy three credits to fulfill a curriculum requirement...America has made the mistake of letting the A student run things."
Boy, they hate anyone who knows what they're talking about.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "stimulus bill did nothing to prevent the unemployment rate from soaring to 9.7%."
No, but it did do something to prevent it from soaring to 12 or 14%. Never thought of that, huh Jim?
Wes Vernon, Renew America: "Clinton rhetoric, Obama high court pick: re-opening coverup of terrorist attack on U.S.?"
This is all about the new wingnut hobby horse, and a really disgusting one this time. I guess they figure that people have forgotten the details about the Oklahoma City bombing, because a bunch of them are out there the last few days trying to convince us that it was really Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein who blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Building. And let's not even ask if nothing is sacred any more- of course there is- corporate profits.
Paul Ibbetson, Renew America: "Barack Obama: another grasp at the crown?...Americans have already shown one king that we will not be slaves, and it is time to show another."
No, Americans like you won't be slaves. They'll own them, however.
Lisa Fabrizio, Renew America: "All about Hollywood"
From a 100% ignorant liar, imagining that we all sit around out here trying to figure out a way to ram communism down people's throats via action adventure movies. Personally, I'm spending the day working to figure out how to make a major city look like it was destroyed by monsters. Maybe that's some kind of commie plot, but if so, I don't get it.
World Net Daily: "Very important open letter to WND readers "
GIVE US MORE MONEY! Well, that's what it's always about in the end.
World Net Daily: "Hayworth: 'Birther bill' doesn't go far enough- 'Shouldn't we ask candidates for every office on the ballot to be able to offer proof?'
Really? Even where being a natural born citizen isn't a requirement for holding office? Like every other government position there is, except for the president? If you were born somewhere else, no matter how you suffered to come here and become a citizen, tough luck, buster. You just don't have the moral fiber of natural born citizens like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.
Right. Stephen Hawking is an idiot. And Sarah Palin is a genius. God, what a bunch of assholes. They continue:
Maybe you astute bloggers should consider the same thing. That would mean, in your case, sticking to nothing.
Astute Bloggers: "DARTS ANYONE?"

And here's the dartboard. What point do you think they are trying to make here?
Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "The Watermelon Man In The White House"
No, Dan isn't a racist. No, no, no! He's just calling a black man a Watermelon man. Nothing racist there.
Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "How Crispy Crist Cooked His Own Goose"
By not being insane and violent enough.
And now let's finish with a view into the future of the Republican party, courtesy of our friend, Henry Makow. Ten or twenty years from now, and they will find this line of reasoning just fine:
Henry Makow: "Jesus was NOT a Jew ...In the time of Pontius Pilate, there was no religious, racial or national group in Judea known as "Jews" nor had there been any group so identified anywhere else in the world prior to that time."
No, of course there was no religious group know as "the Jews." Judea got its name from someone named Judy. Everybody knows that. Everybody on some other planet. Henry continues sharing his historical knowledge with us:
"If to be a so- called or self-styled "Jew" then or now the practice of "Judaism" was a requirement, then Jesus certainly was not a so-called "Jew". Jesus abhorred and denounced the form of religious worship practiced in Judea in His lifetime and which is known and practiced today under its new name "Judaism".
Oh, sure. That makes a lot of sense.
Hey, how about if we let Jesus speak for himself on this issue:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
Well, let's just call this a difference of opinion between Henry and Jesus, huh?
I just want to point out how close this is to Christian Identity theology, i.e. American Nazism. And believe me, this guy is only a couple of steps ahead of his right wing brothers. They'll catch up to him soon.
David Brooks, Meet the Press: "Moving Further to the Right is Good for Republicans as Long as They're 'Principled'
Principled? Fat chance, huh? Just don't hold your breath, David. It's never happened yet.
Erick Erickson, Red State: "VAT Talk Runs Against Desire of the Country"
So it's a good thing that the only people talking about it are the usual right wing liars, huh, Erick?
Moe Lane, Red State: "The secret to the Obama annoyance is snotty lecturing. At the lectern is a twerp of a grad student—the prototypical A student—insecure, overbearing, full of himself and contempt for his students. All we want is an easy three credits to fulfill a curriculum requirement...America has made the mistake of letting the A student run things."
Boy, they hate anyone who knows what they're talking about.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "stimulus bill did nothing to prevent the unemployment rate from soaring to 9.7%."
No, but it did do something to prevent it from soaring to 12 or 14%. Never thought of that, huh Jim?
Wes Vernon, Renew America: "Clinton rhetoric, Obama high court pick: re-opening coverup of terrorist attack on U.S.?"
This is all about the new wingnut hobby horse, and a really disgusting one this time. I guess they figure that people have forgotten the details about the Oklahoma City bombing, because a bunch of them are out there the last few days trying to convince us that it was really Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein who blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Building. And let's not even ask if nothing is sacred any more- of course there is- corporate profits.
Paul Ibbetson, Renew America: "Barack Obama: another grasp at the crown?...Americans have already shown one king that we will not be slaves, and it is time to show another."
No, Americans like you won't be slaves. They'll own them, however.
Lisa Fabrizio, Renew America: "All about Hollywood"
From a 100% ignorant liar, imagining that we all sit around out here trying to figure out a way to ram communism down people's throats via action adventure movies. Personally, I'm spending the day working to figure out how to make a major city look like it was destroyed by monsters. Maybe that's some kind of commie plot, but if so, I don't get it.
World Net Daily: "Very important open letter to WND readers "
GIVE US MORE MONEY! Well, that's what it's always about in the end.
World Net Daily: "Hayworth: 'Birther bill' doesn't go far enough- 'Shouldn't we ask candidates for every office on the ballot to be able to offer proof?'
Really? Even where being a natural born citizen isn't a requirement for holding office? Like every other government position there is, except for the president? If you were born somewhere else, no matter how you suffered to come here and become a citizen, tough luck, buster. You just don't have the moral fiber of natural born citizens like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.
Right. Stephen Hawking is an idiot. And Sarah Palin is a genius. God, what a bunch of assholes. They continue:
Maybe you astute bloggers should consider the same thing. That would mean, in your case, sticking to nothing.
Astute Bloggers: "DARTS ANYONE?"
And here's the dartboard. What point do you think they are trying to make here?
Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "The Watermelon Man In The White House"
No, Dan isn't a racist. No, no, no! He's just calling a black man a Watermelon man. Nothing racist there.
Dan Riehl, Riehl World View: "How Crispy Crist Cooked His Own Goose"
By not being insane and violent enough.
And now let's finish with a view into the future of the Republican party, courtesy of our friend, Henry Makow. Ten or twenty years from now, and they will find this line of reasoning just fine:
Henry Makow: "Jesus was NOT a Jew ...In the time of Pontius Pilate, there was no religious, racial or national group in Judea known as "Jews" nor had there been any group so identified anywhere else in the world prior to that time."
No, of course there was no religious group know as "the Jews." Judea got its name from someone named Judy. Everybody knows that. Everybody on some other planet. Henry continues sharing his historical knowledge with us:
"If to be a so- called or self-styled "Jew" then or now the practice of "Judaism" was a requirement, then Jesus certainly was not a so-called "Jew". Jesus abhorred and denounced the form of religious worship practiced in Judea in His lifetime and which is known and practiced today under its new name "Judaism".
Oh, sure. That makes a lot of sense.
Hey, how about if we let Jesus speak for himself on this issue:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
Well, let's just call this a difference of opinion between Henry and Jesus, huh?
I just want to point out how close this is to Christian Identity theology, i.e. American Nazism. And believe me, this guy is only a couple of steps ahead of his right wing brothers. They'll catch up to him soon.
Another thing these republican assholes have driven out of our lives. A sense of honor. Lie like a rug to get more pictures of Honest Abe and George Washington.
I've read your blog. Forget your retirement plans. You don't have it in you to cook up the number of lies that it takes to make it in today's competitive right wing job environment. That's a job that we had better just leave to the professionals.
Maybe if you had gotten the proper training at a younger age at Regent University School of Law or Liberty University, you might have had a chance. But I'm afraid it's too late for you now. Unfortunately, telling the truth is an infectious disease, and once the symptoms develop, there is no known cure.