Republican America- Here it Is
From a collection of pictures at Talking Points Memo this morning:

Just to remind you that there really is a difference between what we get when Republicans or Democrats run the country.
Too bad we can't have similar graphic images to show what Republican rule did to the economy, because it would look far worse.
Well, at least the damage is going to hit Republican states. How about if the RNC picks up the tab out of the money they are saving by not spending any more money going to lesbian bondage shows?

Just to remind you that there really is a difference between what we get when Republicans or Democrats run the country.
Too bad we can't have similar graphic images to show what Republican rule did to the economy, because it would look far worse.
Well, at least the damage is going to hit Republican states. How about if the RNC picks up the tab out of the money they are saving by not spending any more money going to lesbian bondage shows?
Republicans really don't care if you die. Everyday more and more Americans learn the Republicans Message is: Fuck You and Fuck the World, Give Us Money.
This giant oil slick heading towards the NOLA coast is the direct result of the "Election" of never done a real days worth of work, Chicken Hawk Oil Barons George Bush and Dick Cheney. It's a direct result of Republicans 30 year plan of deregulation of government. It's a Stab-In-The-Back of the American People.
And you betcha, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann want American workers to die horribly, cold and alone in the black oil coated waters of the Gulf, so she can Drill Baby Drill.
2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Always described it as insanely dangerous.
He gave it away for a job where he could see women occasionally. The Piper Alpha disaster might have put him off too.
Neither one of these things is true. The disaster in New Orleans was caused, as we all know, by a natural occurrence. The indifference and incompetence displayed by the Bush administration in dealing with Hurricane Katrina caused millions to realize who Bush and Cheney really were.
As for Obama, no one knows what to do about this man-made disaster, and Obama is doing all he can. It isn't enough, but no one can figure out what enough is, and we know that, unlike Bush, if he did know exactly what to do, he would do it, instead of sending the former head of the Arabian Horse association to take care of it.
By the way, I have not reported on thie following because I have only heard it from one source, but Mike Papantonio has stated that the absence of more sophisticated control mechanisms at the wellhead on this platform was the result of a deal struck with the White House during the infamous Cheney energy meetings, which we have never been allowed to know the details of. Will you join me in requesting that the records of those meetings now be made public, after ten years?