Jobs Take a Turn for the Better
Via Daily Kos, I am happy to present you with this graph of job losses and gains in the last couple of years. I added the details showing Bush's term and Obama's:

I hardly think I need to comment on what this graph shows. Republicans have been screaming for a year that Obama is responsible for the high unemployment rates (although mysteriously, previous to January, 2009, they never seemed to give a damn about working Americans) but this one graphic gives the lie to that.
Once again, it is appropriate to point out that following Republican economic cant for eight years left our country's economy in far worse shape than they will ever admit, and that within a couple of months of assuming the presidency, Obama began the monumental task of cleaning up their mess, while they stood on the sidelines and threw rocks every step of the way.
Eventually, presumably, our nation will recover from the economic damage done to it by the Republican thieving of our resources to give to the rich. And, just like with the depression, eventually people will forget, and the Republicans and their rich friends will be back, knocking on the door, begging for another chance to gut our economy.

I hardly think I need to comment on what this graph shows. Republicans have been screaming for a year that Obama is responsible for the high unemployment rates (although mysteriously, previous to January, 2009, they never seemed to give a damn about working Americans) but this one graphic gives the lie to that.
Once again, it is appropriate to point out that following Republican economic cant for eight years left our country's economy in far worse shape than they will ever admit, and that within a couple of months of assuming the presidency, Obama began the monumental task of cleaning up their mess, while they stood on the sidelines and threw rocks every step of the way.
Eventually, presumably, our nation will recover from the economic damage done to it by the Republican thieving of our resources to give to the rich. And, just like with the depression, eventually people will forget, and the Republicans and their rich friends will be back, knocking on the door, begging for another chance to gut our economy.
So in your opinion GE, what has Obama done to help create these jobs Kos says are being created? Was it the Stimulus package, the bailouts, both, none of the above?
The stimulus package has played a significant part in the current weak recovery.
Naturally, as I am sure you are well aware, macroeconomic swings are the product of a great number of forces; that's why economic prediction is such a fool's game. Nevertheless, to my mind, the major factor in the economic turnaround has been a new Presidential administration that does not run the country based on voodoo economics.
Some of them were, even though Obama said "it's my bill". I'm talking after he took office and Bush was out of the picture. Yes, there were multiple bailouts after Obama took office.
"The stimulus package has played a significant part in the current weak recovery."
So the bill that was designed to create jobs did just that? I'd like to see some evidence, have any?
"the major factor in the economic turnaround has been a new Presidential administration that does not run the country based on voodoo economics."
I'm asking for pieces that said administration has implemented that have helped. You said stimulus, but what evidence do you have? What specifically in the stimulus bill positively affected the economy?
Also, do you think the huge deficits we are racking up will end up taking down our economy? i.e. we loose our AAA debt rating and the dollar crumbles, taking everything down with it.