Battle Looms

I read this today, from the lead article in the Los Angeles Times:

"Battle Looms as Stevens exits court"

The liberal justice will retire this summer. A bitter partisan fight is expected over the replacement."

Why, when it it a Republican president's turn to appoint a Supreme Court justice. do we never hear immediately about "a bitter partisan fight?" Why do we get bitter partisan fights over moderate Democratic choices like Breyer and Ginsburg, or the utterly middle of the road Sonia Sotomayor, but we never have "bitter partisan fights" over corrupt bought-and-paid-for tools of the rich, like Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Thomas?

I guess you know why. Since Reagan, I have been warning that the country is going to pay a heavy price for the endless refusal of the Democratic party and its leaders to speak the truth- the refusal to state openly that the Republican party is a traitorous pack of criminals, and nothing more; that they have totally sold their souls to the hyper-rich, and they continue to do their bidding, regardless of the obvious damage that it causes. Now, not even a near depression, State and Federal governments in collapse around the country, an immoral, vicious war of aggression, a foreign policy based on total belligerence and warmongering, and an utter disregard for the long term welfare of our country, we are forced to read headlines like this, telling us over and over again that the two parties are the same.

I'm not blaming the press this time, I'm blaming the gutless Democrats over the last three decades who have allowed themselves to be shouted into silence about what is really going on.

Is it too late to change? Maybe, but I for one want to see the simple truth from my party's leaders. Is that too much to ask?


Unknown said…
When the politicians replace the good of the empire’s people with their myopic, sanctimonious and narcissistic goals, those empires typically crumble as a result of political indecision, bickering and self-serving actions.

Sadly, it appears to me that we may very well be the first witnesses of the fall of the American Empire.
Green Eagle said…
God, I wish I could disagree with you.

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