A Walk on the Wild Side

I'm in the course of trying to write a post drawing from my decades of observation, about how what seems totally outside the bounds of civilized thought is bit by bit legitimized by the right. In the course of this, I am amassing a number of statements that still seem barbaric but which are, in fact, now only one step outside the bounds of decency. I thought you would like to see this one. As is often the case with websites like this, I won't identify or link to it. Here's a quote from this particular post, to give you the direction of this person's line of thinking:

"What are “civil rights”? You’d have to ask congressman Emanuel Celler. He’s the Jew who created the 1957 and 1964 Civil Rights Acts. Why ask Celler, you may wonder? Here’s why: those “rights” weren’t even mentioned by America’s White founders. Why not? That’s a good question. The truth of the matter is that American civil rights laws are nothing but Jewish constructs that would have been rejected by our founders."

And perhaps they would have been rejected- at least by the ones who owned slaves. This is why, unless you believe that slavery is perfectly okay, the whole blessed conservative notion of "original intent" is just one huge pile of garbage. It was the original intent of the founders of this country to allow slavery. We don't accept that; according to conservative cant that makes us un-American socialists. Well, too damned bad, guys. If I have to choose between what our founders thought was okay, and a society without slavery, I'm going for the way things are now, no matter what the constitution does or doesn't say on the subject. And anyone who disagrees with that notion is a racist of the most vicious kind. We need to concern ourselves with what we, today, regard as moral outrages, not what was on some 250 year old piece of paper.

Now I want to move on to some of the comments about this line of thinking:

"No modern civilization can bear the burden of a 15 percent black (and growing!) population for long"

Really? This is just a racist lie roughly equivalent with a lot of Nazi doctrine. And if people who say things like this don't like my comparison, who cares?

"Why do the Jews not introduce a Civil Rights Act for the Paleastinians?"

Let's just leave aside the issues of, first of all, what the hell Paleastinians are, and secondly, why all Jews are responsible for the conduct of the only Jewish majority country on earth while, let's say, all Christians are not responsible for the overwhelmingly Christian third Reich. Instead, I will point out that Israeli law absolutely does provide for full equality for its large Arab population. That's probably why Jews do not introduce a Civil Rights Act for Israeli Arabs: however short reality may fall, this has been Israeli law since its founding.

But no, the commenter has a better explanation:

"Because there are no white people in Kikeistan to fuck over."

Kikeistan. Well, let's just leave this comment there. Here's a thoughtful remark from someone so wise and well informed that he calls himself Socrates:

"Socrates Says:
...the 1790 naturalization law refers only to “White” people. America’s founders rejected multiculturalism from the very beginning."

And that makes it okay, I guess for us to oppress non-white people. Another perfect example of why the notion of being chained to what a bunch of rich white aristocrats decided long ago is an example of mammoth stupidity.

"Bible Law has a huge gap between Adamites and earlier living beings - over whom Adam-Man was given dominion!"

I think I will just let this one stand for itself, in all of its hate-mongering stupidity, except to point out that contained here is the essence of Christian Identity theology, the missing link between "mainstream" conservative doctrine and out and out Aryan supremacy. This will form a major part of my promised post about where American conservatism is clearly headed.

"I’m sure some Jew will whine that his group were present in the revolution, and are part of US “brotherhood.” (The Bible clearly disputes their rights as such, in John 8 & 10.)
Did anyone of “Jew” lineage sign the Constitution? If not, they are NOT in the “posterity” named! [What about a Moslem Arab, Palestinian, Egyptian etc? Answer: ditto]

Under Bible Law many things must be vastly different!!!"

I see now. Finally I understand. How could I have been so ignorant. The Bible clearly disputes the rights of Jews or any of the other groups mentioned above to be regarded as Americans. How prescient of it!

By the way, did any Italians or Greeks or Germans or Swedes sign the Constitution? I don't think so. So I guess they aren't part of America either.

Well, if you are interested, here is the text of John 8. And here is the text of John 10. I know you are going to be absolutely startled by this, but neither of those chapters of the bible contains a single thing about who is to be considered an American citizen. Stunned, aren't you? Is it not amazing that conservatives, who claim to exist in perpetual obedience to their angry, violent God, nevertheless feel free to tell the most blatant lies about what he had to say?

Well, of course, eventually the comments came to this:

"One can only wonder how it would have worked had Churchill and Roosevelt had seen reason, and had Adolf Hitler been a bit more patient about implementing his vision... the world would be better off."

Oh, sure. If only Churchill had only seen how reasonable it would be to kill all the Jews, and then all the Poles and Latvians and Russians, and then all the Chinese and Indians, and then the Catholics and just about everyone else, how much better the world would be now. Except maybe for the dead people, but, as explained above, they are not really humans, after all, so that's okay.

"It seems we owe Hitler for many of our "labor" comforts we enjoy today. i.e. a 40 hour week, overtime, holiday pay and so on. Never learned this in school, did you?"

I bet you never did learn that in school, did you? How could that be? Could it be that even in the school systems of Alabama, Mississippi and Texas, there are still a few lies that are so disgusting that they haven't made their way into the textbooks yet? No, it must be a socialist conspiracy to deny us the knowledge that it is Adolf Hitler that we have to thank for the 40 hour work week.

"To accomplish his great goal, he (Hitler) would need to reestablish the equilibrium of the social classes"

And we know his plan for doing that.

Catch ya later.


magpie said…
'Thanks' for that stroll on the sick side...
Green Eagle said…

I only hope that, if we are aware of it when it is in print, we might have some chance of not living in it for real. The main thing that motivates me to keep this blog going is seeing how things that seemed like comical (if disgusting) examples of isolated foolishness are now promoted openly by the Republican party. I mean it when I say that, at the rate things are progressing, most of us are going to live to see stuff like this openly advocated by national politicians and media figures.

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