Wingnut Wrapup- Postpartum Blues Edition

The wackos are a little subdued again today. I blame Sarah- oh, wait a minute, I don't dare blame her. Okay, okay, I blame Obama. Why didn't I think of him first, anyway?

Oliver North: "Wrong Again"

That's what it says. Of course, I agree, but I never thought I would see you guys admitting it.

Little Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Palin is the silver cross to the Democrats' Dracula."

Now we're down to Dracula. Democrats aren't just communists- the're communist vampires. Pam, thank you for your continuing efforts to provide the American people with the kind of serious, in depth political analysis that we need to see us through this time of trouble. No, really. Keep up the good work:

"I love her! She is the leader Americans need. She is the leader the tea parties need. "

You know, Pammy, I think she is the leader the tea parties need. She's the only one who can convince them that quitting is the best thing they can do to help their country.

Roger Kimball, Pajamas Media: "Sarah Palin, a modern Cincinnatus?"

If you don't know, Cincinattus was a Roman farmer who left his farm to lead Rome in defending itself against an invading army, and when he was done, he returned to his farm.

Note to Roger: Cincinattus did not quit in the middle of the war. He stayed till the end. Maybe you didn't get far enough into the story to get to that part.

Oh, and by the way, when he quit he went home. He didn't parade around the country giving speeches and doing everything he could to make people keep paying attention to him. Do you think Sarah is just going to go home? I don't. Just call me a cynic, I guess.

Bernard Chapin, Pajamas Media: "Love him or hate him, Beck understands what the country needs most right now."

Which, jusdging from his show, is apparently another Al Qaida attack.

Claudia Rosett, Pajamas Media: "What's the Last Thing Honduras Needs? A visit from the president of the United Nations General Assembly."

Really? That's the last thing Honduras needs? I would have thought that would be pretty far down the list of last things Honduras needs- way behind, for example, a military coup, or a bunch of right wing jackasses in the world's most powerful country telling them how much better off they are after the military seized their government. That's just me, I guess, impractical idealist that I am.

Gateway Pundit: "CHAOS IN HONDURAS... Obama & the Marxists Jump Start A Civil War"

I see. Obama starts a civil war in Honduras. No blame on the military for deposing the legally elected leader. It's all Barack's fault. As usual.

Newsmax: "Israel's Lieberman Praises Biden's Iran Remarks"

What, Obama and Biden aren't Jew hating anti-Israeli fascists? Just when you guys were convincing me of that, Israel's most right-wing cabinet member praises them. What am I to think now? You guys couldn't have been wrong, could you? I mean, you never are, right?

And by the way, what's with that name, Lieberman? I get the willies every time I hear it.

Wes Vernon, Renew America: "The argument they used was that Zelaya was "democratically elected." So was Adolph Hitler. "

God, how long are you going to go on repeating that lie? Hitler manipulated the senile Hindenberg, and a couple of self-serving German politicians into appointing him Reichschancellor. The Nazis never won a majority nationally in a popular election, and peaked at about 42% in 1930. Even in March 1933, after Hitler was appointed Reichschancellor, the Nazis had to "arrest" most of the communist Reichstag delegates, and a number of Social Democrats, to get the vote he needed to pass the enabling act.

By the way, Wes, what a good point. How meaningless it is that Zelaya was "democratically elected." Good thing you put the quotes around that, so people would understand that it didn't mean anything that he was "democratically elected."

Joseph Farah, Renew America: "Everyone knew that these demonstrations would attract between 50 people at the low end and 5,000 to 10,000 at the high end.
Maybe my colleagues have just forgotten how to report"

Joseph, about your "colleagues:" if you are referring to journalists there, you've just demonstrated once again that conservatives don't know how to tell a joke. You calling journalists your colleagues is like Jeffrey Dahmer calling Emeril his colleague because they both like to cook. And as to forgetting how to report, maybe there was nothing to report. Actually, Green Eagle reported on the tea parties he went to. It made them look like complete idiots. Is that the kind of reporting you were after? Because that's the truth.

World Net Daily: "Exclusive: Chuck Norris compares foreign policy of former president, Obama"

God spare us.

Ann Coulter, Fox News: "it isn't her fault that she became a huge, huge star, but she is too big for the position now. And people acting like, you know, leaving a governorship is a step down. "

Ann, you are just too cruel. Sure, Sarah has put on a few pounds, but "huge?" "Too big" to be governor? That just isn't the dignified political commentary that we have come to expect from you. Just because you are an emaciated, ugly, worn out looking skank, that doesn't mean that there aren't some people out there who like women with a little meat on their bones. Really, Ann, this is beneath you.


Poll P. said…
Regarding so MANY of the items in today's WNWU, I'm provoked to say you're being unfair...but I know you'd take it as a compliment!

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