Let's Have a Terrorist Attack

From Media Matters, this wonderful quote from Republican Michael Scheuer, on Glenn Beck's show:

"Beck guest Scheuer: "The only chance we have as a country right now is" for bin Laden to "detonate a major weapon" in U.S."

I know people are very sceptical when I suggest that the right is hoping and praying for another terrorist attack in this country, because assuaging their humiliation over what they've done to the country over the last eight years is worth any amount of American deaths. Most people can't yet accept that they could possible be this callous, America hating and downright evil.

Maybe a few more people will accept the ugly truth when they hear things like this, spoken in the open, on national television, without any objection.


Poll P. said…
They won't believe it unless msm calls them out! Keep up the good work.
Green Eagle said…
How about if I just keep up the mindless cheap shots- I'm so much better at that.

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