Sanity In Jeopardy

I guess the pathetic group of losers I was able to find for the Wingnut wrapup didn't sate my need for ridicule, because here I am, back again, to bring you some pearls of wisdom, from someone named Henry Lamb, at our favorite wacko website, Renew America:

"Independence in jeopardy"

That's scary.

"the current government makes no apology for its overbearing tyranny."

Well you are right there. When they engage in "overbearing tyranny" let us know, and we'll continue the conversation about their social faux pas in not apologizing for it.

"Just as American independence was foreshadowed by a tea party in Boston, America's new independence is foreshadowed by tea parties across the nation."

You go on believing that. Did you go to any tea parties yesterday? Those guys aren't foreshadowing anything but more inane stupidity to come.

"Currently, 36 states have approved, or are considering, some form of state sovereignty resolution."

Showing what great American patriots they are, by breaking away from the United States. By the way, good luck with that. It's a really constructive way to use your time.

"More than a dozen states have enacted, or are considering legislation, that prohibits the federal government from imposing a mandatory National Animal Identification System. These are symptoms of a society that is dissatisfied with the long train of abuses that government continues to inflict upon it."

The Nationall Animal Identification System! Oh my God, that must be just like the Nazis!

"The similarity is remarkable, between the rise of the Democratic Socialist Party now in control of Washington, and the rise of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany in the 1930s."

Oh, it IS just like the Nazis. I thought I was making a joke.

"Why do employees of the Department of Defense need the authority to....carry firearms? "

Oh, I don't know. Can anybody explain this to Paul and Me? Maybe these two guys have an idea. Way to go defending our troops there, buddy.

"Waco and Ruby Ridge are good examples of federal law enforcement."

Really, I thought they were pretty bad examples of law enforcement. But if you say so. I guess they should go out and shoot a lot more demented right wing wackos.

"What is an unlawful assembly? Any assembly that is not authorized by government is unlawful."

You mean like my aunt's weekly Mah Jongg game? I don't think she went to the government for permission. Oh oh.

"In Germany, this police force was called the Gestapo. In Germany, the people who resisted the nationalization of anything were immediately branded as "right wing extremist" and denounced and ridiculed by government officials and by the press. Watch the government and press response to the April tea parties."

Oh really. The people who resisted the Nazis were branded as right wing extremists. Would you like to give us a couple of examples of that behavior? No, of course not, because it is a total, vicious, hateful lie.

Now, as for the response to the tea parties, I'm going to tell you what that will be: nothing. Because the tea parties were a pathetic, ludicrous spectacle of self-delusion that no one gives a damn about. Except for people like Green Eagle, who are looking for someone to ridicule.

God, it's an encyclopedia of right wing lunacy in one article.


Anonymous said…
I always get a good laugh from your Wingnut Wrapup, no matter what you call it.

The best of both worlds; an intellectual beatdown with humor.
Green Eagle said…
Thanks. I always feel that, without the humor, we just couldn't take it.

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