Holy Joe- Lying for the Republicans- That's His Job

I don't know why, but I've felt an outbreak from Holy Joe Lieberman coming on for days. He just hasn't had a good opportunity to practice his unique brand of malicious double-crossing for so long. Well, here's an interesting story:

Holy Joe, running in the Democratic party primary in 2006:

"I can do more for you and your families to... get universal health insurance."

And running in the 2006 general election, on the "it's all about me" ticket:

"I have long supported the goal of universal health care," Lieberman told reporters. "Ned Lamont can talk about it. I've been doing something about it all the time I've been here."

Lieberman today, now that the subject is real:

"If we create a public option, the public is going to end up paying for it," Lieberman said following an hour-long confab with public-health experts at the Ashmun Street community center of the Monterey Homes public housing complex. "That's a cost we can't take on."...

That common ground, in Lieberman's view, has no room for the public option."

He's all for it when it comes to getting votes. Not so much when it comes to disappointing his Republican friends.

God, does this guy get me angry.

Is there any bigger scum on the face of the earth than this self-important, lying, backstabbing, self-serving goon? Once again, "very religious" comes down to "God is on my side, so I can do any dirty thing I want, and still tell myself that I am a wonderful human being."


Poll P. said…
I like that your tags don't so much correctly index the article as allow you to vent your spleen even more.

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