What Now, St. John?

"When the Senate confirmed Sonia Sotomayor to sit on the 2nd Circuit back in 1998, 29 Republicans voted AGAINST her -- including current Sens. Grassley, Hutchison, Kyl, McCain, McConnell, and Sessions.

But 23 Republicans also voted FOR her -- including current Sens. Collins, Gregg, Hatch, Lugar, Snowe, and Specter (the latter of whom is now a Democrat)."

The above, from MSNBC First Read.

Curious, isn't it, to see that great maverick, St. John McCain, keeping company with all of those neanderthal hardliners, huh? Who'd have ever imagined that? I can't help wondering where his open-minded, bipartisan spirit will lead him this time.

Note: Probably further into the sewer.


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