Renew America-They Never Let Us Down

Here's the idiotic mendacity of the day from Renew America, a post entitled "The Fast and Furious Growth of the Obama Dictatorship," by someone who looks like your mah jong playing aunt Edie.

A few excerpts will no doubt give you the flavor:

"Obama's position of the consummate US dictator is not truly being challenged by many — if any — of our elected officials. This administration's gutting of US resources and wealth is historically unprecedented. It was designed and is being implemented by the political power elite to impoverish the American people.... and create a single proletariat (worker) class ...."

Apparently, lady, you didn't notice the criminals in the White House the last eight years. Now, that was looting. And by the way, if you didn't notice, they did a pretty good job on the impoverishment thing too. Of course, that was what they were there for, right? After all, they are Republicans, so it was okay.

"within the US population the fear of Obama and his government is growing geometrically. As We-the-People's fear of the apparent usurper of the US presidency escalates, the Obama administration is said to fear losing their positions. Therefore, Obama by way of his DHS chief has already labeled those who oppose him or his policies as enemies of the state. In their own countries, tyrants known as Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Kim Jong-Il and Idi Amin did much the same to stop their opposition. When that didn't work, the opponents to totalitarian rule were first jailed and then murdered. "

Fear of Obama is growing geometrically? Would that be from 2 people to 4, to 8, and now all the way up to 16? And in what imperial proclamation did Obama declare anyone an enemy of the state? I missed that one. On the other hand, I remember Republicans screaming every day for years that anyone who opposed the great Bush was a traitor. I guess that slipped your mind.

And by the way: "Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Kim Jong-Il and Idi Amin"- you left out Genghis Khan and Atilla the Hun. You need to be more careful in your scholarship in the future.

"Obama and his now all-leftist-all-of-the-time Congress in power passed the "Obama Youth Brownshirt Goon Squad" Act...."

Oh, the brownshirts. Right. I'll keep my eyes open for them.

"Obama has taken over two of the US' once "Big Three" car manufacturers in order to run the companies and give 55% to the UAW — as payback to the union for helping to elect him to the position of POTUS."

No, lady, Obama took over the car companies because they were driven into insolvency by the braindead (i.e. Republican) morons who ran them.

By the way, what's with that POTUS thing? Do you have a clue how stupid that sounds?

"Obama's political party largely created the financial debacle in which we now find ourselves trapped — with their theft of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac monies. And the September 2008 run on US banks is believed by many to have been effected by the Left in order to blame Republicans and ensure the election of Barack Hussein Obama...."

Oh sure. It's all the Democrats' fault, with their theft of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac money. Where did you hear about that? In a comic book or something? Or maybe on a bathroom wall? No, I guess you just made it up, because you can't find anything real that Obama did wrong.

"Starting with executives in the financial industry, his administration has announced its intent to eventually regulate and limit the pay of all US workers."

When did that happen? Oh well, it's useless to ask you for facts, isn't it? It's so much easier for you to just write down whatever preposterous lie pops into your head. The kind of people who read your posts will believe anything, won't they, as long as there is enough hate involved.

"Think I'm wrong? Check the sources I've included."

Okay. We'll do that. Here they are:

The Moonie Times
Online editorials from the Wall Street Journal
World Net Daily (One of Green Eagle's favorite ridicule targets)
The "Ethics and Liberty Commission" of the Southern Baptist Convention

And finally, someone named Lynn Stuter, whose website includes links to the following valuable sources: "The Fluoride Deception," "Public Schools, Public Menace," "Hollywood's War on God," and "America's Choice- Liberty or Sustainable Development."

Well, sweetie, I checked.


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