It's a Great Place to be Locked Up

Here's a sterling example of the incisivenenss of Republican analysis, from Red State:

"Defense Secretary Robert “William” Gates was interviewed on NBC’s “Toady” “Today” show Friday May 22 where he called the Gitmo lockup “probably one of the finest prisons in the world today.”

Got that right."

Eric, people spent seven years in that wonderful prison, without charges and without any meaningful evidence that they did anything wrong.

It could to be the Four Seasons and it would still be an act of barbarism to keep them there. Don't you get that?

Or is it just that, as a loyal Republican, you don't give a God damn about stealing seven years out of someone's life, if that someone is a brown person?

On second thought, don't answer that question. I don't think I want to know the answer.


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