Are Nazis Really Liberals?

Looking around wingnut haunts, I have grown really tired of of one of their favorite lies- that the Nazis were actually liberals. The fact that they could even begin to give credence to this idiocy pretty much says it all about their respect for the truth, and their concern with finding real answers to our nation's problems.

Today, I had occasion to look at some neo-Nazi websites. Guess what? They all hate Obama and everything he stands for. I wonder how that fact fits into the whole "Nazis are liberals" thing?

Oh, wait. I see the flaw in my reasoning. "Wingnut"-"fact" How did I ever manage to get those two words together in the same post?


Orion said…
And Hitler really hated Stalin and vice-versa.

The power-hungry usually hate their competitors - it's one reason that Liberals usually loathe the 2nd Amendment. It's a threat to their goals, after all.

Let's see how they stack up:
Single-Party State -
Communism: Check
Fascism: Check
Nations/Races/Classes in perpetual conflict:
Communism: Check (Races/Nations)
Fascism: Check. (Classes)

Forbid opposition to the State:
Communism: Check
Fascism: Check.
State Control of Means of Production:
Communism: Check
Fascism: Check.
State Control of most aspects of daily life:
Communism: Check
Fascism: Check.
Reliance on Secret Police to enforce compliance through terror:
Communism: Check
Fascism: Check. me do they differ?

Orion said…
Forgot - I have a Nolan Chart up that I like a LOT better than the usual 'left-right' description of people's political viewpoints...


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