Secession Update

It's time for a secession update. Here's the news:
In North and South Dakota, bills have passed the legislatures favoring secession.
In South Carolina, a similar bill is working its way through the State Senate.
In several other states, some traction is being gained.
So, here's the current state of my secession map:
WHOOPEE, FOLKS! At the rate that they are going, we have a good chance of getting rid of the entire south, while only having to give up a few pathetic, meaningless states up north. This is such a good deal.
Now, I went and took a look at Federal tax revenues by state. The latest figures I found were for 2005. In that year, the states shown above in red or yellow received $130.6 billion dollars more in tax revenue than they paid.
If you read down in my posts today, you will find an estimate that providing health care for all Americans would cost sixty some billion dollars per year.
You want to know where that money might come from? Well, lookee here, we could have universal health care, and stabilize social security with the money that we wouldn't have to spend on these anti-American shiftless bums, who are being supported by the Democratic rest of the country.
So, you know what, guys? Quit your big mouthed blabbing, and get out already. No one will miss you.
And a good thing, too. We're counting on you.