Wingnuts- Let's Get Through This Quickly

So far, the Republicans continue to bat .000 against Obama. I thought I would just go over a lot of the right wing junk they are throwing up to try to latch onto some kind of an issue. It's not worth a whole bunch of posts today, so let's lump them all together:

Larry Elder: Pelosi vs. the CIA: Why it matters

No it doesn't, Larry. And neither do you. That's why you couldn't even keep your local talk show.

Emmett Tyrell: The ACLU Talks Too Much

This one has to do with some cross out in the desert. Glad to see you keeping your eye on the ball, Emmett.

Moe Lane: Harry Reid Attacked Barbara Bush in His Book

Really? Actually, it turns out that he quoted someone else saying something about Babs. Even if he had called her Hitler with an Eating Disorder, so what? Grow up, Moe.

“E Pluribus Unum:” Clarence Thomas and Miguel Estrada Were Not Left-Wing Toadies

Both are minorities. Yet both are to this day treated to the most vile and inhuman treatment that the left can levy, called horrible things in public and in print.

Miguel Estrada? Isn't he the guy from Chips? I don't know about him, but Clarence Thomas is certainly not a left-wing toady. He's Antonin Scalia's personal toady.

And please, the most vile and inhuman treatment the left can levy, as you know perfectly well, is reserved for Dick Cheney. Clarence Thomas will just have to go on settling for second best. Tough luck, Clarence. We vile left wingers don't need that much ammunition to pick on you.

Little Pammy: White House Car Czar Married to Democratic Fundraiser

Oh my God, Oh my God! The White House appointed someone of their own party to a Government position! Will their perfidy never end! George W. Bush would never have done such a despicable thing!

Jennifer Rubin: Democrats Must Face the Music

Republicans are about ready to move from being the party of "no" to the party of "I told you so."

Boy, no one could have expected that. Well, the Democrats are about to move up, too. From the party of "let's all get along" to the party of "who gives a damn what you lunatic, power mad crooks think."

Ryan Mauro: Where's the Mockery of Joe 'Dubya' Biden?Comedians and media types who loved to ridicule Bush's gaffes are stunningly silent about the VP

Well, how's this for an explanation of that phenomenon, Ryan? So far, Joe Biden's "gaffes" haven't started an unjustified war, or let an American city drown, or nearly caused a depression, or virtually bankrupted our government. When Joe does something like that, be my guest and fire away. If you can beat me to the trigger.

And finally:

Jackie Mason: Pelosi:Like a Deranged Pig in Heat

Classy as always, Jackie. There's just nothing like Conservative humor.

Well, I am sure you are all pleased that I condensed all of this right-wing swill into one post, so you could get through it and get on with your lives quickly. More soon. They never stop spewing it out there, so Green Eagle will always have more.


Poll P. said…
k you for this sterling public service.

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