Marilyn Speaks Out
Ex-congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, who lost her re-election bid when she proved to be slightly less mentally disturbed than Michelle Bachman, has this to say:
"She then asks people to donate any denomination of money so that they can “spread the truth about [liberals’] destructive agendas, drag down their approval ratings, force them to publicly defend socialism, authoritarian gun-grabbing, gay marriage, infanticide and everything else they vote for in Washington, and, ultimately, on Nov. 2, 2010, we will take their jobs away from them.”
She wants to force them to defend socialism, gun-grabbing and infanticide.
Leaving aside just how you propose to do that, Marilyn, I think a few well meaning suggestions might be useful, regarding other things that you might want to force the Democrats to defend:

Eating live kittens, putting rat poison in school lunches, burning people at the stake for refusing to bow down and pray to statues of Hugo Chavez, killing several hundred thousand people in a shameful war of aggression...
Oh, wait. Forget that last one. It's already taken.
At right, a photo of Marilyn. Don't get so angry, girl. It's giving you wrinkles around your mouth. Just a suggestion.
"She then asks people to donate any denomination of money so that they can “spread the truth about [liberals’] destructive agendas, drag down their approval ratings, force them to publicly defend socialism, authoritarian gun-grabbing, gay marriage, infanticide and everything else they vote for in Washington, and, ultimately, on Nov. 2, 2010, we will take their jobs away from them.”
She wants to force them to defend socialism, gun-grabbing and infanticide.
Leaving aside just how you propose to do that, Marilyn, I think a few well meaning suggestions might be useful, regarding other things that you might want to force the Democrats to defend:

Eating live kittens, putting rat poison in school lunches, burning people at the stake for refusing to bow down and pray to statues of Hugo Chavez, killing several hundred thousand people in a shameful war of aggression...
Oh, wait. Forget that last one. It's already taken.
At right, a photo of Marilyn. Don't get so angry, girl. It's giving you wrinkles around your mouth. Just a suggestion.