Porter Goss Won't Speak

After all the synthetic hoopla raised by the Republicans over Nancy Pelosi's supposed lies about her CIA briefings, we now have this:

"Porter Goss, the former GOP Congressman who was in the room with Nancy Pelosi during their 2002 CIA briefing on interrogations, is declining through a spokesperson to say whether the two of them were told that enhanced interrogation techniques had been used.

Goss’ reticence raises still another round of questions about the accuracy of the recently-released CIA documents purporting to detail what members of Congress were told about the use of torture."

So, the former right wing Republican congressman and former head of the CIA, will not back up the CIA and Republican claim that Nancy Pelosi is hiding her role in the torture scandal.

Isn't it about time that we moved past the issue of what Nancy Pelosi knew or didn't know, and deal with the people who actually ordered torture?

And isn't it time, finally, for the press to stop playing the stooge for the Republican party?


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