
This just in from some buffoon at Newsmax:

"Tom Hanks Fudged Facts in ‘Angel & Demons’ and ‘Da Vinci Code"

Listen, guy, here's something about movies that no one may have ever pointed out to you. Tom Hanks is an actor. You know what they are? They show up on the set and read lines that were written by what we here in Hollywood call a "writer."

You see, contrary to what you apparently believe, Tom Hanks actually doesn't make up the words he says on the screen. He has someone else to do that for him. Amazing, huh?

As an obvious fan of film making, you will be pleased, I am sure, to have had this insight from someone "in the know." Next time, I'd like to explain to you that Tom Hanks doesn't actually push the button that turns the camera on.

Will wonders never cease.


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