The Sun is Setting

It's time to check in with our friends at Renew America again, to catch up on the real threats facing our country. Today, we will be sitting at the feet of Don Cobb, as he spreads his words of wisdom. I am including here what he alleges to be a picture of himself. Don, it doesn't bode well when you can't even tell the truth about what you look like. I know I've seen this picture before- it was the illustration in the Consumer Reports article "Would You Buy a Used Car from This Guy."
Anyway, on with Don's article.
"Fade to black: As the sun is setting on America
By Don Cobb"
Don, you must be on the east coast. Out here in California, it's only 3:44 in the afternoon, and not a cloud in the sky. Maybe no one taught you about that "earth is round" thing.
"Blah blah blah"
We'll skip this part. Too Boring
"It's easy to see what's wrong in our country right now.... "We the people of the United States..." no longer have control of our nation. Those whom we have elected to represent us have now seized control of America..."
Don, I don't know how you missed this in middle school, but you see, when you elect a President and congressmen and all, that's what they do- take control of the country. You know, that's their job.
Now, there's some more blah, blah, blah. Really Don,, you should know by now that I only pick the funny parts. Well, here goes again:
"Obama's "team" has set their own objectives......The last time we saw something like this was during WWII in Nazi Germany."
Yes, of course, Don, because the only government you can think of that set its own objectives was Nazi Germany. It's impossible to think of any government in the last seventy years that has "set their own objectives!"
Which, incidentally, would be so evil.
"Why would the USA utilize the same methods that Germany used to control their population? Similar actions will hope to accomplish similar goals."
Oh, Don, that makes so much sense.
"Obama FIRED the CEO of General Motors, for goodness sake! Where did he get that kind of influence? He took it..."
Thank you, Barack. It was about time that someone fired that useless wanker.
"It's a fact that nationalized healthcare doesn't work, so logic dictates that this effort to turn the USA into a welfare state dependent upon our government isn't even really about healthcare. That is simply one element in dragging or enticing Americans into the government's plan to render "we the people" dependent upon and powerless over our own government."
You know, Don, I am having trouble responding to this argument. That's because you blew it right from the beginning when you said "it's a fact." I'm sorry, Don, but it has already become quite apparent that you have as much familiarity with what is a fact, as, let's say some guy from the Arabian Horse Association has with disaster preparedness.
But, of course healthcare isn't about healthcare, it's really about evil.
"This new president and his "team," it turns out, does not appear to consider our Constitution of any value. He thinks he knows a better way than our forefathers..."
And what is this better way?
"....handing our nation over to George Soros...."
I guess I should have known.
Thanks for all of that Don. I feel better now.