Wingnuttiness of the Day

I really enjoyed lumping most of the wingnut drivel of the day into one post yesterday, so I think I'll continue. Their synthetic outrage about Sonya Sotomayor is so pathetic today, that I'll pretty much just skip over that. Well, here goes:

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown: Time for Nancy Pelosi to Resign

Guys, time for Nancy to resign is so last week. Move on, will you?

Town Hall: Star Trek; Socialist Utopia?

Good point there, fellas. I'll spend some quality time thinking about that one. I'm so glad you are focusing on the important things

Red State: Conservative Immingration Reform is Right Next to Unicorns and Leprechauns

Yeah, but Conservative everything is right next to unicorns, so what's your point?

Josh Painter: Dealergate Update: What we have so far

In a word: nothing.

Red State: Mancow Waterboarding Faked!

"It is going to have to look “real” but of course would be simulated with Mancow acting like he is drowning. It will be a hoax but have to look real.
....the fact that Mancow couldn’t find anybody to shop this to that was better than Olbermann probably should have been a tell. - Moe Lane"

Of course, of course. It didn't come out the way you wanted, so it must be a fake. That's right. Now, time for sleepies. Everything will be better in the morning.

Warner Todd Huston: Feds to Decide What Can be Sold at Your Garage Sale

Really, this article was too stupid for me to try to explain what he was getting at.

Red State: Democrats and Sotomayor Have a Bolton Problem-Temper, temper!

Funny it never bothered you when Bolton had a Bolton problem.

Renew America: Are tea partiers the new 'terrorists'?

No. They're the new suckers.

Bob Unruh, at World Net Daily: New bid to unseal Obama's birth certificate
Challenge claims Hawaii waived privacy by talking about document
(one of seven articles at WND today about Obama's birth certificate)

You go with that, guys. It's a good way to spend your time. Now, how about some art therapy, or is it time for your meds now?

WND:Billion-dollar drug company hides astounding discovery of a natural cancer killer.
10,000 times stronger than chemo—but without the side effects!
How many people died in vain while this billion-dollar drug maker concealed the secret of the miraculous Graviola tree?

I just want to say that I appreciate it so much when Conservative websites post penetrating scientific analysis like this. The closely argued approach they take toward these issues just fills us with confidence about their opinions on other subjects. In the meantime, if I don't answer the phone, don't worry. I'll be out in the back yard planting some Graviola trees. My fortune is made.

John Gizzi:
'Uncle Dick' Redux: Out of Office, Will Cheney Be GOP's Truman?

Do you mean that people will eventually come to think that Dick Cheney was actually a good man and a qualified Vice President? No, I don't think so. But, you go on waiting for that. Look how fast Herbert Hoover's reputation came back. Oh, wait....

There you go. Just a random sample. More soon.


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