Our Daily Lunacy Digest

Even though it's Saturday, usually a slow news day, remember that Conservatives Never Sleep. Here's our daily report on what they are doing instead:

Bill Kristol: "....the White House/media bluster won't work. Most conservatives and Republicans aren't going to be intimidated from raising legitimate questions about Sotomayor's jurisprudence."

Or illegitimate ones, Bill. Mostly the latter. In fact, entirely the latter. Barack beat you again- deal with it.

Bobby Schindler:I spent a lot of time watching news coverage of President Obama’s recent speech at Notre Dame. I couldn’t help but be reminded of my sister Terri’s two-week ordeal that took place at the hospice facility where she was killed in March of 2005. There was so much that was eerily similar....

No, of course it couldn't, Bobby. How could the Wingnut response to Obama's speech not remind you of a fight between an articulate, intelligent man and someone who is brain dead?

Hugh Hewitt: Obamacare Will Lead To A U-Turn On Life-Expectancy: What To Tell The Blue Dogs

Well, considering that American life expectancy fell during the Bush administration, that would be a good thing, wouldn't it, Hugh?

Hugh supports his argument with a letter from someone called "Dr. L." It's always so comforting, in a medical debate, to see evidence from someone who is afraid to give his name.

Charles Krauthammer: We Will Reach European Tax-Rates With Obama-care

Since you guys are always screaming that our corporate tax rates are the highest in the world, why are you complaining?

Or did you just make that "fact" up? No, you'd never to that, right?

Warner Todd Huston: Could Obama’s Left Wing Flap him to Death? The red knives starting to come out?

Red knives. What an image. By the way, Warner, I have never heard of anyone being flapped to death, so I wouldn't waste that much time worrying about it. We liberals do appreciate the concern, however.

Erick Erickson:John Cornyn’s Latest Problem

It turns out that John Cornyn (accidentally, I am sure) told the truth about something. That's his problem. Watch it, Johnny boy, they've got their eyes on you now.

Confederate Yankee: End Run: Sotomayor is Obama's Attempt to Undermine the Second Amendment

No evidence at all. Come on, Mr. Yankee, can't you at least put a little effort into you lies?

Power Line: I think President Obama's worst weakness is that he is ignorant, not only of economics as an academic discipline, but of business as it is commonly experienced and understood by those in the private sector.

Unlike some other President I could mention, who was extremely familiar with how to make businesses fail. That knowledge proved to be spectacularly useful when he was confronted with the task of making our economy fail.

Jennifer Rubin: Obama SCOTUS Choice a Blow to Racial Equality

Because of course appointing a minority woman is a blow to equality. I never realized that until you pointed it out. Thanks so much, Jennifer, you convinced me. Now I really want to see another White man up there.

Newsmax: Obama Refuses to Release Secret Documents

Another miserable change from the spectacular openness which characterizes government when Republicans are in the White House.

Barry Farber, at Newsmax: Republicans Should Just Sit Still for Awhile

Preferably for a long, long while.

This from the author of the following article: "Wanda Sykes Aims Low-Blow at Rush." I don't know why that's such a bad thing, Barry, as it saves Rush the trouble of having to go to the Dominican Republic and paying someone to do it.

Dick "Toesucker" Morris: Clintons Trapped in Obama's Web

Yeah, particularly Hillary, who was trapped by Obama into accepting the biggest job of her life. What a snake that Obama is. Although that's kind of a mixed metaphor there, snakes and spiders and all. Oh well, Dick (and I mean that) we can't all be perfect.

Patrick J. Buchanan: Obama's Idea of Justice
When you think about it, Sonia Sotomayor is the perfect pick for the Supreme Court -- in Barack Obama's America.

Pat, I hate to have to keep reminding you of this, but Barack's America is our America. So I guess Sotomayor is perfect, huh? So why don't you just sit in the corner and be quiet, like a good little doggie?

Ann Coulter: I Feel Your Pain. Not Theirs.

Feel your own pain, lady.

Jonah "Spawn of the Witch" Goldberg: Cheney an Unlikely Beacon for Conservatives

Unlikely? Jonah, you are continuing your streak of saying the exact opposite from whatever could possibly be true- I've got to give you credit for consistency. As far as I can tell, Cheney is the most likely Beacon for Conservatives in the whole wide world. Except maybe for Robert Mugabe.

Conservative Nation: Dealergate / Mopargate - Evidence Mounts That Chrysler Dealer Closings Possibly Politically Motivated

This post continues: "The story is starting to gain traction and credibility."
If we just screw up our little faces and scream about it long enough, it will soon be true! A perfect example of Conservative neo-tinkerbelle thinking.

And a perfect end to another perfect day- of wandering in the sewers of human cogitation.


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