Sage Observations on Waterboarding

I was led to a site discussing the recent waterboarding of Eric "Mancow" Muller, by a link from Alicublog, one of the websites I visit daily. Roy Edroso, the writer from Alicublog was particularly amused with some of the comments, and so was I. Thanks, Roy, and here's a sample:

"sometimes torture needs to be used if the costs of not torturing come too high. Ask yourself-- would you prefer to be water boarded or step on a land mine?"

Would you prefer to be slugged in the face or have your arm ripped off? Oh, then it's okay if I slug you in the face?

"Finally winning a war without torture does not mean that we could not have lowered our causalities. Sometimes you can fight with one hand tied behind your back and still win."

Sometimes you can gain the whole world and lose your eternal soul. Ever hear that before?

By the way, we fought this war without one arm tied behind our backs, and still lost. Deal with that, sucker.

" Make a guy think he's drowning, and suddenly you're a moral monster.

I guess there's just no good answer to that clever observation.

"Actually, both by US law and international agreement, there is no justification for torture. Period."
Sometimes the law is an ass. Slavery was once legal."

So, if I follow you here, since we made slavery illegal, it's okay to make torture legal, huh? Fair's fair, after all. And don't even ask who the real ass is here.

"Many of you make me laugh, crying and whining about the poor scum that we waterboarded. So what? F them. "

Yeah, F them. Who cares that we didn't have enough evidence to try them or even charge them. F them. there, that ends that discussion. And if you disagree, F you too.

"The foreigners in question were known to be high level terrorists from the start."

Except for the 90% or so who we claimed were high level terrorists, but turned out to be unlucky saps. But so what, right? Terrorist or sap, F them.

"To me, if one lives, it is not torture to be compared to one who dies."

So it's only bad if the guy dies, huh? Care to have us try that out on you?

This goes on like this for hundreds of comments. It's so depressing. All those people out there wetting their pants in fear, like a three year old afraid of the monster under his bed, and willing to have others suffer any sort of bestial abuse, if their own irrational fear will stop. And they call themselves tough, and us weak. Well, you know what, conservative sissies: F you.


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