Moral Advice friom Newt.

When in doubt about a moral question, who better to turn to for advice than Newt Gingrich? I knew I couldn't keep away from Sonya Sotomayor for ever, and this is as good a place as any to break down.

"From the Desk of Newt Gingrich
"I have a dream: that my four little children will one day live
in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their
skin, but by the content of their character."

- Dr. Martin Luther King"

Because, as all red-blooded Americans know, Newt, there is nothing you care about more than advancing the cause championed by Dr. Martin Luther King. And nothing could offend him more than seeing a minority woman on the Supreme Court.

"There are only two options for how we govern ourselves – by laws, or by the will of those in power.

The will of those in power represents subjective, fleeting standards that are never fully known by any and are applied purely to satisfy the wishes of a small, concentrated group in power."

And, being the upstanding, moral person you are, you would never support a President who worked "purely to satisfy the wishes of a small, concentrated group in power." No, never. You would speak out daily against such a thing, were it ever to occur, right, Newt? I so admire the ethical rigor that leads you to apply the same standards to any President, no matter what party.

"If Civil War, suffrage, and Civil Rights are to mean anything, we cannot accept that conclusion. It is simply un-American. There is no room on the bench of the United States Supreme Court for this worldview."

No, Newt, if the Civil War and Civil Rights mean anything, they mean that this country has no room for fat, racist white southern pigs like you. Unfortunately, these things don't really seem to mean all that much, seeing as how you're still here, blabbing out your lies.

"The checks and balances between the three branches of government are designed to prevent any small faction of society from exerting undue influence over the rest of us."

Except the very rich, right?

"Please consider supporting Renewing American Leadership with a generous donation today. $25, $50, or $100 will dramatically help us stand strong for the Rule of Law in America!"

Hooray! That's the first thing you've said in this whole tirade that wasn't a lie. Except for the rule of law thing. Still- pretty good by your standards.

God, I hope the Republicans pick you to run for President in 2012. That would be so much fun.


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