Who Was Behind What Legislation?

Here's a remark by that prime Conservative Jackass, Erick Erickson, that I would like to comment on. It was in reference to something else, but I couldn't help but be drawn to it:

"Erick Erickson, Red State: "Name the most important legislation enacted in the 30 years between 1950 and 1980. Overwhelming isn’t it? Civil rights. Voting rights. Interstate highways. Medicare. Medicaid. The deregulation of the airlines, natural gas, trucking, rail and oil. The immigration act of 1965. Clean Air, Clean Water, and the Endangered Species Acts. Supplemental Security Income in 1974. I could fill the whole screen. Now … the next 30 years. There’s the Reagan tax cuts of course. Deregulation of the savings & loans in 1982. The Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. Welfare reform in 1995. Medicare Part D. What else?"

So, let's see now:

Civil Rights- Democratic. Good

Voting rights- Democratic. Good

Interstate highways- Bipartisan

Medicare- Democratic. Good

Medicaid- Democratic. Good

Deregulation of the Airlines, natural gas, trucking and oil- Republican- resulted in an airline industry in continuous danger of collapse, vast pollution, and a stranglehold on our country by oil interests.

Clean Air Act- Democratic. Good

Clean Water Act- Democratic. Good

Endangered Species Act- Democratic. Good

Supplemental Security- Bipartisan (Nixon supported it.) A description from Wikipedia: "SSI was created to eliminate the differences between the states including different disability standards and income and resources requirements which many perceived as irrational and/or unfair." No conservative today would dare support this example of federal control over the states.

Reagan Tax Cuts- Republican. Tripled the deficit, even with his later tax increases, which no conservative wants to remember.

Deregulation of Savings and Loans- Republican. Resulted in the largest banking collapse since the Great Depression (until Bush and Cheney got their hands on things, of course)

Americans with Disabilities Act- Democratic. Good

Welfare Reform- Unfortunately bipartisan- a heartless Republican initiative that Bill Clinton, in the biggest mistake of his eight years in office, signed into law.

Medicare Part D- Republican. An unfunded giveaway to the pharmaceutical industry, disguised as health care reform. Responsible for a significant portion of our current budget deficit.

Well, are you getting my point here?


Derek said…
Why must you continue to lie GE? We've been over this.

"Civil Rights- Democratic. Good"

Republicans voted in favor of civil rights legislation 5X more often than Democrats. Republicans voted for all civil rights legislation more than Democrats by proportion as well.

"Voting rights- Democratic. Good"

For women's suffrage, it was written by a Republican and passed by Republicans. For civil rights in ending the Jim Crow laws and empowering exslaves to vote, that'd be Republicans again. 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, both passed by Republicans.

Clean air act: Bush Sr pushed for the 1990 act, but I am unsure of the votes on previous ones. So partially Republican.

"Endangered Species Act- Democratic. Good"

Signed by Nixon and only 4 Congressmen voted against it, so how is this the Democrats? Your partisan spin is insane. Of course, you will probably just call me a liar.

"Tripled the deficit, even with his later tax increases, which no conservative wants to remember."

Gave us biggest economic boom in US history. Bush tax cuts increased our tax revenue. When the budget was balanced in the 90s, Clinton and the Republicans did so by cutting a tax. I know economics seems difficult to you, GE, but you should really try to be wrap your head around common sense economic solutions.

"Republican. Resulted in the largest banking collapse since the Great Depression (until Bush and Cheney got their hands on things, of course)"

Couldn't have been the Community Reinvestment Act, right?

"heartless Republican initiative that Bill Clinton, in the biggest mistake of his eight years in office, signed into law."

Helped reduce poverty. Strange how that works right? Any charity that does not help the recipient become independent of it is harmful.

Lies as usual GE.

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