Obama and the Collapsing Popularity
I thought it would be worthwhile to reprint this chart that I saw at Media Matters:

Our "liberal" press is filled every day with endless droning about how Obama's popularity is in free fall, and the whole country has turned against him. Well, here is the truth: since June, despite a virtually unprecedented conservative campaign of vilification and smears, his popularity rating has decreased a grand total of two points. That leaves it at about 49%.
Why didn't we hear this kind of defeatist, derisive chorus when George W. Bush's popularity was at 22%?
The mainstream press has become little more than a propaganda outlet for the Republican party. This sellout gave us the worst presidential administration in our country's history, a malignant war of aggression, torture and finally a near depression. But the press just doesn't care. They go on doing their best to get their Republican friends back in control, so the damage can resume.

Our "liberal" press is filled every day with endless droning about how Obama's popularity is in free fall, and the whole country has turned against him. Well, here is the truth: since June, despite a virtually unprecedented conservative campaign of vilification and smears, his popularity rating has decreased a grand total of two points. That leaves it at about 49%.
Why didn't we hear this kind of defeatist, derisive chorus when George W. Bush's popularity was at 22%?
The mainstream press has become little more than a propaganda outlet for the Republican party. This sellout gave us the worst presidential administration in our country's history, a malignant war of aggression, torture and finally a near depression. But the press just doesn't care. They go on doing their best to get their Republican friends back in control, so the damage can resume.
In June, Obama's approval rating was in the low 60s, high 50s, with the dissent in the mid 30s. Currently, however, Obama's approval is floating in the mid/upper 40s with the dissent in the same area.
He has gone from a +20 to a 0, that is the change.
"Why didn't we hear this kind of defeatist, derisive chorus when George W. Bush's popularity was at 22%?"
Because that was after 7 years of Bush. Obama has been in a bit over 400 days and is lower than most Presidents on the same timescale.
Bush wasn't as low as Obama is now until his second term.
I think your comment deserves a response, but I want to include a graph, which I can't include in a comment, so I will make a post about it. It will be up in a few minutes.