Disgusting News of the Day

1. "The once flush-with-cash Kansas City school district is considering a radical plan to close nearly half its schools to stay afloat...The proposal has rattled the community into activism. Public hearings on the plan have been filled with hundreds of parents, students and community members holding signs and chanting in protest."

How much do you want to bet that, the next time there is a measure on the ballot to provide adequate funding for the schools, these community members will vote it down as usual, because they are told every day by the Republicans that government doesn't need any money to do its job?

2. "Sarah Palin told a Canadian audience Saturday that, as a child in Alaska, her family brought her across the border for medical care under the single-payer Canadian system.

"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," she said, in what the article describes as a reference specifically to Saskatchewan. "And I think now, isn't that ironic."

"I think now, isn't that ironic." How long do you think we'll have to wait before Sarah Palin says, "and I think now, what a big, fat lying hypocrite I am."

3. "President Barack Obama accused insurance companies of placing profits over people and said Republicans ignored long-festering problems when they held power as he sought to build support Monday for swift passage of legislation stalled in Congress."

"...accused insurance companies of placing profits over people..."

Now, what could ever have made him think that?

4. "Rioters armed with machetes slaughtered more than 200 people including a 4-day-old infant, residents said, less than two months after sectarian violence in the volatile region left more than 300 dead."

Muslims killing Christians. But, of course, it is Israel erecting a wall in the West Bank that is responsible for Muslim violence against others. I am sure that Israel is responsible for this, too.

The world is a sick place, and virtually all of it is due to the confluence of religion and greed: i.e. what we in this country know of as conservatism.


Leslie Parsley said…
You ever wonder (or care) what Palin's parents are like? I mean, didn't they teach their daughter that it's a sin to lie?
Infidel753 said…
Muslims killing Christians. But, of course, it is Israel erecting a wall in the West Bank that is responsible for Muslim violence against others. I am sure that Israel is responsible for this, too.

But of course! Islam is a religion of peace (quoth G.W. Bush). Muslim violence is never Islam's fault, even if the plain language of the Koran incites it. It's always the fault of the Jews.
Green Eagle said…
And let me add what I learned during the time that I lived and worked in Israel: The Israelis are far more aware of the wrongs done by their government, and far more ready to deal with the consequences than Americans are for, say the monstrous crime of our Vietnam aggression. I am not trying to deny that the Israeli government has its own wrongs to deal with. I am just constantly amazed that the most minor Israeli actions become world class outrages, while for example, 5 million people can die in the Congo and no one seems to care.
Derek said…
"The world is a sick place, and virtually all of it is due to the confluence of religion and greed:"

So the atheist Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China, and the infamous Pol Pot, which when put together account for more than half of the murders in the 20th century were due to your version of 'conservatism'?

What a delirious little world you live in GE.

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