A Minor Comment about Helen Thomas

This is really a subsidiary issue, but I have noticed a number of left wing commenters objecting to the fact that Helen Thomas was treated so differently than, say, Rand Paul or Pat Buchanan, whose racist views are so much more pervasive than Thomas's.

Of course that is true, but it is not because Thomas has been treated unfairly. It is because we on the left have a very low tolerance for open racism, while on the right, which has built itself on a foundation of race hatred, they can't afford the luxury of kicking people out just because they are racists sons of bitches, or they won't have anyone left.


mastercynic said…
I really think she's just senile and it's well past time that she leaves her job.
Green Eagle said…
Senile and mean...

Maybe she could start a new career as an NBA ref.
dmarks said…
Mel Gibson was the first comparable person to come to mind. Was Thomas drunk also?

As for being senile, is it an unfortunate human tendency that people can turn into Nazis be being drunk or senile/
dmarks said…
"while on the right, which has built itself on a foundation of race hatred"

Also, this is at least as true of the left. Racist hatemongers like Jessie Jackson Sr and Louis Farrakhan are still embraced by many on the Left. Blatantly racist policies such as the quota part of affirmative action ("not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin") are mainstream on the Left.
Green Eagle said…
"Racist hatemongers like Jessie Jackson Sr and Louis Farrakhan are still embraced by many on the Left."

I can think of almost no one on the Left who supports Farrakhan in any way, as you well know. On the other hand, a figure such as Pat Buchanan, who espouses from the right many of the same values of Farrakhan, is still regarded as an acceptable conservative spokesman.

As for Jesse Jackson, I will agree (as I have thought for many years) that his actions are self-serving, but as to his being a racist hatemonger, that is just one more right wing lying talking point, as you know damned well.

I appreciate your taking the time to come here, where you must know you are going to receive a negative reaction most of the time, but I have a very short toleration of people who resort to talking points rather than some sort of reasonable comment.

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