God Speaks

As reported by Yahoo:

"MONROE, Ohio – A six-story-tall statue of Jesus Christ with his arms raised along a highway was struck by lightning in a thunderstorm Monday night and burned to the ground, police said.

The "King of Kings" statue, one of southwest Ohio's most familiar landmarks, had stood since 2004 at the evangelical Solid Rock Church along Interstate 75 in Monroe, just north of Cincinnati."

And here it is- or was. Do you think the stupid evangelical "Christians," who are so quick to blame every natural disaster on God's hatred of gays or liberals or someone, will give a little thought to what God might be trying to tell them here?

No, I don't think so either.

But Wait- There's More: A small selection of comments on the yahoo article:

"He is alive--Amen! He is alive--Amen! JESUS is alive forever! He is alive--Amen. He is the alpha and omega! The beginning and the end! NEVER YOU DOUGHT THAT JESUS IS THE LORD OF LORDS, THE KING OF KINGS. THE SAVIOUR OF MANKIND, OUR REDEMER. HE LIVED FOREVER!"

Never you dought the redemer. How could you disagree with that?

"GOD of all GODS, KING if all KINGS, LORD of all LORDS !! THERE IS NO OTHER MONUMENTS, IDOL BEINGS, ETC...to come BEFORE THE ALMIGHTY...esp man made creations."

Why do these people have so much trouble with spelling and grammar? Just wondering.

"I just passed that statue a week ago, Its too bad it burned, all these Jesus haters running there stupid mouths are commie Obama lovers I bet."

It's all Obama's fault- we should have known.

"there is no god but Allah Jesus is a massenger of god"

Did you mean Jesus is a massager of god? I'm not sure- oh well, it's just as well to show that not all of the ignorant idiots in the world are Christian.

"The ACLU might of had a hand in this too!"

Because we all know about the ACLU's lightning machine.

" the rationalization behind it's destruction could be that the Evangelical Church embraces homosexuality and God is showing his displeasure."

Oh right- God is mad because the evangelical church embraces homosexuality. That makes sense.

I could go on all day with this nonsense- this post has already gotten over 9,000 comments. Let me at least go out on a rational response:

"Ugly art should be hit by lightning, but isn't always, unfortunately."


"And here it is- or was. Do you think the stupid evangelical "Christians," who are so quick to blame every natural disaster on God's hatred of gays or liberals or someone, will give a little thought to what God might be trying to tell them here?"

Ah I will miss "Touchdown Jesus" when I drive down I75.
".I could go on all day with this nonsense- this post has already gotten over 9,000 comments"

I actually got a huge kick out of this GE. Thanks for the laugh.

How long until the commie homosexual Obama nazi zombies get the touchdown Jesus at Notre Dame?

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