Wingnut Wrapup

A good collection of stupidity and mendacity today, I must say:

Carey Roberts, Renew America: "Margaret Sanger: birth control pioneer and feminist-fascist"

Must be another Obama robot, huh? What, she died in 1966? Having to go a little far back for people to smear, aren't we?

Judie Brown, Renew America: "The Kennedy funeral: spitting on Christ"

How dare they give this man a funeral? He was a Democrat! What abomination are we going to have to put up with next?

Tim Dunkin: "We're seeing a cabal of haters and bigots out there who want to take away our civil rights, narrow-minded extremists and dogmatists who despise and fear those who are different from them."

Tim, here's a definition I found online. Check it out:

"In classical psychology projection is always seen as a defense mechanism that occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else."

J. R. Dieckman, Renew America: "Healthcare is just one battle in our war for survival"

Because if we have health care, we won't survive. That's obvious, isn't it?

Laura Hollis, Town Hall: "Don't Call Them Progressives"

Call them Nazis instead.

Thomas Sowell, Town Hall: "Suicide of the West?"

I wonder if this is a reference to Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West- one of Adolf Hitler's favorite books

See how easy it is to play that game, Thomas?

Little Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Obama's Nazi (National Socialist) Tactics: Oganizing for America 9/11 Day Of Action: "Fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists"

Obama is a Nazi for planning things for 9/11; the Republicans are patriots when they do the same thing. Go figure, huh? Well, our little Pammy never was one to think very deeply before speaking.

Little Pammy Speaks Again: "Keep Your Kids Home from School September 8"

Because Obama is going to address school children. God forbid that the President should speak to children! That is an abomination, and a clear abuse of his power.

Now, if he promised to do nothing but read them My Pet Goat, while the country is attacked, well, that would be just great, right?

George Leef, Pajamas Media: "ObamaCare: The Devil Is Not in the Details"

No, apparently he is in the White House.

Mary Grabar, Pajamas Media: "Which Protests Matter to the Left?"

Mary, maybe it's the ones that aren't organized by corporate lobbyists and insurance companies. And maybe it's just the ones that aren't full of macho jackasses walking around with loaded guns.

S. E. Cupp, Newsmax: "Leon Panetta, CIA Reduced to Irrelevance"

S. E.- let me explain this to you: The CIA reduced itself to irrelevance by being wrong about everything on earth for fifty straight years.

World Net Daily: "Pandemic panic: Why feds pushing flu shot? Some say agenda to incite health terror"

And some say it's to prevent a lot of people from getting sick. Reader, which do you think might be the right answer?

Jed Babbin, Human Events: "BREAKING: Obama Administration Misleads Congress on Gitmo"

Jed, go up there and read that thing on projection again.

Rich Lowry, National Review Online: "Dick Cheney’s account of the Bush administration’s interrogation program isn’t just a fable."

No, it's a gigantic lie.

National Review Online: "Dick Morris thinks Joe Lieberman's critique of Obamacare "may prove to be a pivotal turning point in the congressional debate over the increasingly unpopular proposal."

Ha ha ha ha ha Dick Morris ha ha ha Joe Lieberman ha ha ha....

Christopher Chantrill, American Thinker: "No Dead Parrots Here"

And there better not be, buster, or you are going to receive a visit from Green Eagle that you are not going to like one bit.


Poll P. said…
Projection! Spot on.
Derek said…
" projection is always seen as a defense mechanism that occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else."

Rofl, that was actually funny. So whenever someone calls someone a racist they are a racist? I can agree with that to an extent, but only if the person they are accusing isn't clearly a racist. aka MSNBC is racist, you are a racist, Obama is a racist, Sotomayor is a racist, etc.

"maybe it's the ones that aren't organized by corporate lobbyists and insurance companies."

So most of the town halls and tea parties are ok? SWEET.

"No, it's a gigantic lie."

Yet you have no evidence, and the documents released did show that the Bush era interrogations yielded valuable information.
Green Eagle said…

When I call Kobe Bryant a good basketball player, that doesn't mean I am a good basketball player.

I only wish it were that easy.
Derek said…
"When I call Kobe Bryant a good basketball player, that doesn't mean I am a good basketball player.

I only wish it were that easy."

That is what you were implying when you posted: " projection is always seen as a defense mechanism that occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else."

Always? Maybe occasionally for those of the nation who are dishonest and not self-aware. The chimps of society. But those of us who have intellectual integrity and are honest call things how we see them, not how we'd like to see them (GE).

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