Michelle Bachmann Favors Us With Her Wisdom

The dumbest of the dumb. From the Colorado Independent:

" In a fiery speech that had her conservative Colorado audience cheering, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann railed against the dangers of health care reform and other Democratic initiatives, warning the proposals “have the strength to destroy this country forever.”

“This cannot pass,” the Minnesota Republican told a crowd at a Denver gathering sponsored by the Independence Institute. “What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass.

"Something is way crazy out there," Bachmann said in her remarks..."

I wonder whether, when she said something is way crazy out there, she was looking in the mirror?

And this is the sort of thing that has conservatives cheering, huh? What a bunch of suckers.


Poll P. said…
Sure seems like 'projection' is the theme of the day.
Green Eagle said…
When I read stuff like this, 'dejection' is the theme of my day.

Unfortunately, Green Eagle reads stuff like this every day.

Where's the Xanax?

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