Two Morons

Max Baucus and Harry Reid.


mastercynic said…
2 more: Kent Conrad and Blanche Lincoln
Green Eagle said…
What, just because of this:

"A Senate committee voted Tuesday night to restore $50 million a year in federal funding for abstinence-only education that President Barack Obama has pushed to eliminate. The 12-11 vote by the Senate Finance Committee came over objections from its chairman, Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana. Two Democrats — Kent Conrad of North Dakota and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas — joined all 10 committee Republicans in voting "yes" on the measure by Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah."
mastercynic said…
That's part of it, but I was really thinking more of their continued blockage of any form of "public option" in the committee's health care negotiations. These are obviously 2 Republicans who have infiltrated the Democratic party to sabotage any form of progressive legislation that might actually help people with less than 7 figure annual incomes. Or, maybe their pretending to be Democrats because they realized Republicans were unelectable in their home states. In any case, to my mind, these are the kinds of traitors that should be locked away in Guantanamo without due process, and, if possible, waterboarded alongside Cheney and Bush.
Cardinal44 said…
Let them reap what they sew!

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