David Broder- Stupidity and Dishonesty in One Package

The "Dean of the Press Corps" at it again, defending the criminals:

"Cheney is not wrong when he asserts that it is a dangerous precedent when a change in power in Washington leads a successor government not just to change the policies of its predecessors but to invoke the criminal justice system against them."

David, what kind of precedent does it set when we tell them they are free to commit the most hateful of crimes, without fear of consequences? Is that dangerous too, or is it just fine with you?

This mental and moral defective then goes on to proudly remind us:

"I called for Bill Clinton to resign when he lied to his Cabinet colleagues and to the country during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. "

Lying about your sex life- you're out of there. Torture and murder- not so bad. At least if you are a Republican. Can anything be more sick? Broder continues:

"Ultimately, do we want to see Cheney, who backed these actions and still does, standing in the dock?"

You bet we do. In the dock, and into prison, where criminals belong, David. Is that too hard for you to understand?


Derek said…
"Lying about your sex life- you're out of there. "

He lied under oath aka perjury, which is a felony.

"Torture and murder"

Not torture by any definition nor did they murder anyone. At least you have yet to show them giving the ok for torture or killing of any innocents.
Green Eagle said…
It's time for you to grow up, Derek. Clinton lied about his sex life, which meant nothing to anyone but himself and his family. Bush lied us into a war and killed about a million innocent people in the process. If you can't figure out which one of those is the real crime, you are really in mental trouble.
Derek said…
"Clinton lied about his sex life, which meant nothing to anyone but himself and his family."

He lied under oath. That's perjury. I don't want my president committing felonies.

"Bush lied us into a war and killed about a million innocent people in the process."

I've already proven that he didn't lie, and if you'd like, I can re-post the intelligence dossiers you refused to read last time.

And IBC puts it at 100K.

"If you can't figure out which one of those is the real crime"

Perjury = Crime. Ok, I think I'm good so far.

Legal declaration of war using intelligence from the UK, the UN, and our CIA = Legal

I think I got it right.
Green Eagle said…
I guess you can't figure it out.

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