Sean Hannity Calls In the Debt

Sean Hannity today:

"I say why isn’t Iraq paying us back with oil, and paying every American family and their soldiers that lost loved ones or have injured soldiers — and why didn’t they pay for their own liberation?"

Sean, I shouldn't have to remind you of this, but we didn't "liberate" them.  We invaded their country in an unprovoked war of aggression, killed a million of them, destroyed their infrastructure and left them in the hands of a bunch of sectarian religious fanatics.

How much do you think they owe us for that?


Jerry Critter said…
"...paying us back in oil..."

WTF?!? We were always told that this war was not about OIL? Never mind that the war was originally called Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL)!
Green Eagle said…
I thought OIL stood for Operation Idiots on the Loose.
Anonymous said…
Hussein had them under control until we meddled.
Dave Dubya said…
Then it would only be fair that we pay Iraq an equal amount of money for their dead, wounded and displaced, too, eh, Sean?

Oh, that's right. Their lives have no value.
Green Eagle said…
In just think it's interesting that the people in Iraq had to live under a murderous, repressive dictator, and then we came in and made their lives worse. Ah, freedom, American style.
Anonymous said…
yeah they missed the good old days.

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