Wingnut Wrapup

Boy, the wingnuts are getting more and more pathetic. It's taken me days to put together this collection of nasty lunacy. Well, here goes:

Kevin McCullogh, Town Hall: "What Obama Could Learn from Brit Hume"

What, how to be an ignorant, lying jerk? Kevin continues:

"President Obama would benefit equally if not more than Tiger by turning to the person of Jesus Christ."

Because Obama is a communist or Muslim, huh? Kevin, listen: Brit Hume and you would benefit from turning to Jesus. Maybe you would stop your lies and smears for a few days.

Dan Perrin, Red State: "Dem Scheme: Seat Brown Late if he Wins, Until After Health Care Gets to Senate...This plan is rank with corruption....For the Dems to be planning in this level of detail for a loss is revealing, and puts an explanation point on the great anger at ObamaCare in the nation — and the Dems desperation in even considering this CHEAT."

Dan, of course what you are saying is a lie, based on nothing (as usual.) But seriously, in reply to your remark, I have just one thing to say: Al Franken. Get it?

No, I didn't think so.

John Boot, Pajamas Media: "Why It's OK for Conservatives to Enjoy Avatar-Between bouts of leftist preaching, the film offers attractive messages on property rights and military readiness."

Give me a break, you maundering idiot. It's a movie. Grow up.

World Net Daily: "You won't believe what N.Y. Times writer calls tea partiers"

Turns out to be "Hee Haw Zombies." I love this term, and I will definitely be using it in the future. Thanks, NYT.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Check out this news. A federal judge has tossed out most of the government’s evidence against a terrorism detainee on grounds his confessions were coerced...

Poof. The judicial system just shut down one avenue of the government’s case. How many more avenues will get shut down?"

Of course, it is the fault of a bunch of liberal judges, for their insane act of following the law. Not the fault at all of Bush, Cheney and their henchmen, who held these people for years without charges, and tortured the hell out of them. No, as usual, the Bush administration systematically engaged in some of the most loathsome, anti-American behavior in history, and it's all the liberals' fault.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama’s Latest Nutjob: TSA Nominee Erroll Southers Says Pro-Life Advocates Are Terrorists "

Bombing and murdering civilians: Jim, what do you call people who do that? But of course, they are on your side, so they are heroes. Think about that, the next time you see people in Pakistan jumping for joy after a suicide bombing.

Kim R. Holmes, Pajamas Media: "Obama is a utopianist, not an idealist, and the body politic is now engaged in a debate between fantasy and truth."

Too bad we didn't have that debate before we invaded Iraq.

World Net Daily: "Is there really something Fox News isn't telling?"

Yeah. The truth. How hard was it to figure that out?

National Review Online: "GOP Already Won A Moral Victory Here': A solid summary of the state of play from Swing State Project"

Just a note. In my experience, when right wingers start talking about a moral victory, they are getting ready for an actual defeat. Something they have had a lot of experience with lately.

Ben Shapiro, Town Hall: "God to Palin: 'You Go, Girl'

Yeah. Go away.

Susan Ann Spiller, Red State: "Where’s the Nobel Prize Money, Mr. President?"

None of your business, Susan.

And why aren't you asking what Bush and Cheney did with their Nobel prize money? Double standard, what?

Oh, wait....


Poll P. said…
I heard he was using it to endow the Bill Ayers Chair in Humanities at Berkeley. Or was it going to ACORN?

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